Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Maya Angelou Biographical Approach Essay

Maya Angelou has remarked, â€Å"I’m always inspired by men and women who rise†¦That ability to rise is nobleness of the human spirit.† Write an essay in which you analyze Angelou’s beliefs about the human spirit, as reflected in the four works you just read. Before you begin, consider what Angelou has to say about her work: â€Å"I speak to the black experience, but I am always talking about the human condition—about what we can endure, dream, fail at, and still survive.† Writing Your Essay As you plan, draft, and revise your essay, keep the following tips in mind: †¢In the introduction, or the beginning of your essay, include a specific thesis statement that presents the key point you will prove in your essay. †¢Support your ideas with evidence from the four selections. Be sure to analyze how Angelou’s tone and use of stylistic devices contribute to the expression of her themes or main ideas. †¢Make sure that every paragraph has unity and coherence. All the sentences in the paragraph should relate to one main idea and help develop that idea. †¢End your essay with a conclusion in which you summarize your main points. Include a new, but related, closing insight or reflection. Create a one-page document that shows you have understood the book with the 2 parts below: †¢Part 1: First, think of the symbols in the book. Then, find pictures using â€Å"Google images† or â€Å"Clip Art† and paste them into the document. Then give a 1-2 sentence reason for the symbol. †¢Part 2: Write a book review. Make sure you convince me you have read it thoroughly! It should be no more than 1-2 paragraphs.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

759 store Competitive Business Strategy Essay

Introduction Strategic planning is central to management study. It defines the long term direction for the company and all other business functions orbit around their established strategies. This article studies how a company formulates business-level strategies, optimize their competitive positioning and obtain a competitive advantage over their rivals. In order to further illustrate this management issue, this article investigates into the successful competitive positioning of a leading Hong Kong imported food and daily necessity retailer, the 759 Store é˜ ¿Ã¤ ¿ ¡Ã¥ ±â€¹. Despite 759 Store has a diversified range of business, this article focuses on its major business function as an imported packaged-snacks retailer. The chain-store has grown exponentially since its establishment in July 2010. By November 2014, it has 210 stores across Hong Kong and has significantly increased its market share in the industry.1 This achievement should be credited to the unique competitive strategy the company has adopted. Michael Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies analyzes how a company should formulate their business model to give them a specific form of competitive position in the market. The three strategies are low cost strategy, differentiation strategy and focus strategy respectively. Low cost strategy drives company to lower their cost and obtain high efficiency, so they can attract customers with lower prices than their competitors. Differentiation strategy, on the contrary, tries to satisfy customers’ needs in a way that its competitors cannot and it has the competitive advantage by charging premium prices. Focus strategy suggests firms specialize in few segments or target market to attain cost advantage or differentiation advantage in the market.2 759 Store’s competitive strategy, however, has adopted both the differentiation and the low cost strategy simultaneously to attract and retain customers. On one hand, it has successfully challenged the cost-leaders in the industry by providing more differentiated products. On the other hand, it has minimized its costs so it charges differentiated products at a relatively low price. The two sections below could illustrate how 759 Store achieves this distinctive strategy. Differentiation Strategy In the aspect of differentiation strategy, companies offer customers with the unique products which are extraordinary or high quality. The uniqueness of the products is usually highly valued by the customers. Thus, those products are competitive in the market and are difficult to be replaced. This section is going to examine how 759 Store differentiate their products from others snacks retailers. (1) Never selling the products which customers can find in chain supermarkets 759 Store differentiates itself from other competitors by providing uncommon products in the market. 759 Store cannot race their cost to the bottom when compare with ParknShop and Welcome, the two well established cost leaders. In order to survive under the oligopolistic market, the company differentiates itself by avoid selling the same products that the two major supermarkets are already selling. 759 Store would rather search for new products instead of competing directly with those supermarket chains.3 By selling different brands and types of snacks, customers cannot use the retail price to directly compare the products in 759 Store and supermarkets. Also, when compared, customers would find the products in 759 Store more trendy and unique than the products in the two traditional low cost leaders. (2) Exclusive sources of goods 759 Store differentiates its products by securing the exclusive source of goods by all means. The company first made headlines in 2011 when one of the local biggest distributor, Swire Group, refused to supply Coca-Cola to the store, claiming its retail price was too low which would harm supermarkets’ profit . After the incident, packaged-snacks imported directly from Japan accounted for over 60% of the main sales of 759 Store.4 Therefore, Coils Lam Wai-Chun, the CEO of 759 Store, have handled business connections with Japanese suppliers with great care. He has connected the first Japan snacks supplier in HKTDC Food Expo in 2011 by himself.5 In Japan, local products for domestic sales are not allowed to be sold to foreign companies. Thus, Lam even went to Japan in person searching for suppliers and set up shadow companies in Japan sourcing for any popular and fair-price snacks that are  not yet known to the Hong Kong market.6 That is the reason snacks sold in 759 Store always catch up with the trend in Japan. Thus, 759 Store provides exclusive products which cannot be found in its competitors’ stores. Furthermore, 759 Store establishes a stable and strong relationship with its suppliers in Japan, which are mostly small and medium enterprises. Some Japanese suppliers have even promised to supply their products exclusively to 759 Store as a gesture to thank the company’s support during the recovery hardship after the 311 Earthquake in Japan.7 All these business connections helped 759 Store to secure its exclusive sources of goods from Japan. (3) Higher autonomy on goods selection through bypassing local distributors Today, more than 95% of products sold at 759 Store are imported directly bypassing distributors in Hong Kong.8 Therefore, 759 Store enjoys greater autonomy on deciding the variety of products they sell. 759 Store successfully develops a new market segment providing new and popular Japanese snacks to Hong Kong people. The self-reliance nature of 759 Store in terms of product purchasing enables the company to maintain its unique choice of trendy and diversified goods, thus differentiating itself from its competitors. (4) Diversification of goods and fast moving trend 759 Store differentiate itself from others by diversifying its choice of goods and keeping its shopping shelves updated with new goods. Assuming customers from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong all share the same trend and taste, the item selection of 759 Store is based on the seasonal snack sales in Japan. The company only retains its top-500 sales items on its shelves and imports these items again.9 The rest of the products are purchased according to the sales trend of snacks in Japan every week. The sales cycle for each snack product is around 3 months only.10 As a result, customers can always be surprised and refreshed by new snacks while enjoying their preferred snacks. The company has successfully differentiated itself from some traditional differentiators, such as Okashi Landé› ¶Ã© £Å¸Ã§â€° ©Ã¨ ªÅ¾. Both snack stores differentiate themselves from the cost leaders by selling imported snacks from Japan. However, the fast market reaction, diversification and regular replacement of products make 759 Store offers a higher value to  customers than its rivals, as 759 Store’s products are more responsive to customers’ preferences. Low Cost Strategy Though 759 Store uses a lot of tactics to differentiate itself from its competitors, the company still manages to keep their operation at low cost. Hence, the company does not need to charge their customers a premium price for the extra differentiation strategies. This section would explain how 759 Store do everything possible to lower its cost structure and develop its competitive edge against the cost leaders in the market. (1) Economies of scale through rapid horizontal expansion Horizontal expansion is a growth strategy that expands within the same stage of the production process. 759 Store experienced rapid horizontal expansion which it has opened 210 stores in 4 years. Through rapid horizontal expansion, 759 Store benefits from several economies of scale – the reduction of long run per unit cost when the scale of production of a company has expanded. One significant average cost advantage is that the company has increased their bargaining power when purchasing from suppliers. If the scale of the company is small, it cannot enjoy the wholesale price offered by the suppliers.11 After enlarging their scale of operation, 759 stores received a reduction in average input price and transportation cost by more than 10%.12 (2) Cost reduction through backward vertical expansion Backward vertical expansion is another growth strategy 759 Store practices to reduce the cost. By becoming companies’ own supplier, business can control its inputs and help them to provide more secure transaction.13 Due to the exclusive culture of the Japanese snack production industry, Japanese companies only supply their goods to local companies. To address this problem, 759 Store has to set up their shadowing companies in Japan to take up the functions of distributors. As 759 stores purchase the goods directly from the snack manufacturers without passing through any distributors and wholesalers, they could enjoy a lower import price and maintain a steady input supply by themselves. This in turn reduces the overall cost of  production by integrating different business stages of business functions. (3) Effective inventory management The storage and management of inventories could be a huge source of expenditures for retailers. Packaged snacks are perishable and thus requires accurate inventory management In order to reduce inventory cost while diversifying its products, for each new product, 759 Store would first import 2400-3000 pieces of them to Hong Kong. The company then experiments the market reaction to the product and decides whether to import the product in bulk or not.14 This practice has greatly reduced the risks of stocking up unpopular goods in the warehouse, therefore reducing the cost for inventory storage. (4) Less costly shop location choice When it comes to choosing shop location, 759 Store does not chase after prime retailing locations with expensive rent. Instead, it usually opts for large, more remote and less visible shop locations in residential neighborhoods. The per-foot-square rent at these locations is generally cheaper and 759 Store can bargain for a lower rent as the shop’s presence can improve pedestrian flow nearby.15 In fact, most 759 Store’s customers are willing to sacrifice convenience for lower price of products as they usually purchase a lot of goods at once.16 According to the annual report of 2013-14, rent for shops only accounted for about 9.8% of the retail revenue. 759 Store successfully lowers its costs by choosing less popular shop location and turns it to its own advantages. (5) Motivate employee: pay more for employees to work more The 759 Store regards its employees as important assets of the company. It can help reduce the operating cost of the company by successfully motivating its staff to enhance their productivity. It always stresses the provision of a reasonable salary and fringe benefit to its staff. For example, when the existing minimum wage in Hong Kong is $30/hour, 759 Store can pay its staff up to $38/hour. A manager may get an attractive salary up to $30,000 per month. 17 The CEO of 759 Store believes that a reasonable pay will increase working incentive of the staff to provide better service performance and  deliver excellent service to the customers. According to the annual report of 759 Store, one can find that even though the company is renting larger stores, the number of frontline staff is similar as previous year which is approximately 4.1 staff per shop.18 Although the per-labor cost is higher, the overall cost on labor is reduced because the staff is more productive and the company can hire less labor. (6) Inexpensive advertising and communication strategies 759 Stores adopts useful but inexpensive marketing strategies to gain its reputation. Unlike its competitors who promote their brands through traditional advertising channels, like newspaper, radio and television advertisement, 759 Stores uses word of mouth to promote its brand. Since their CEO has a good relationship with the media, he has been repeated interviewed by numerous press and television programs. It has helped 759 Store to gain exposure in the mass media without paying a penny. Also, 759 Store utilizes the technology to communicate with its customers, especially the internet platform like Facebook and blog. These platforms provide channels for 759 Store to communicate and respond to its customer directly. All these measure are cost-minimizing, yet they are very effective. Conclusion In a nutshell, 759 Store has developed its competitive business position by adopting features from both the differentiation strategy and the low-cost strategy. On one hand, 759 Store differentiated itself from traditional cost-leaders by providing exclusive, highly diversified and trendy goods to its customers, through exclusive sources of imported goods and autonomous purchasing practice. It has also avoided direct competition with the cost leaders on identical items. In terms of responsiveness to customers’ taste and catching up with trends, 759 Store’s performance is even superior to the traditional differentiators in the industry. On the other hand, the company has adopted the strategy to lower its cost structure, therefore it does not has to charge products for premium prices even extra values has been added to its products. It has lowered its per-unit cost by economies of scale through rapid horizontal and backward  vertical expansion. Other costs are being lowered by having better inventory control, choosing less costly shop location, using unconventional advertising methods and cutting overall labor cost by incentivizing individuals to achieve higher productivity. Some scholars identify this mixture of strategies as the broad differentiation strategy.19 The competitive advantage of companies adopting this strategy is that the company can offer customers quality products at reasonable prices. As 759 Store has demonstrated, it has chosen a level of differentiation that gives the company on the market segment it has targeted. Besides, they have achieved this in a way that has allowed them to lower their cost structure over time. Though it has higher cost than the cost leader, as well as less differentiated products than the differentiator, 759 Store offers more value than its industry rivals, and therefore threatening both the cost leader and the differentiator. In the case of 759 Store, ParknShop, the traditional cost leader in the industry, has even referred to the business model of 759 Store and opened a subsidiary brand in order to compete with 759 Store.20 It is a proof that 759 Store has successfully weakened the competitive position of its rivals by adopting the right strategy. Insights The successful competitive positioning of 759 Store gives insights to future managers on strategic planning, especially regarding how to enter an oligopolistic market. 759 Store has found its unique competitive position to create a ‘third way† in the oligopolistic packaged-food retailing market, which was dominated by two traditional cost leaders. By adopting the broad differentiation strategy, 759 Store achieved rapid growth rate of stores and increased its market share steadily in a very short period of time. The successful identification of and expansion into a specific market segment has allowed 759 Store to spread out geographically in Hong Kong quickly. Also, this model cannot be imitated quickly by its competitors. Hence, it is a business model which a lot of companies in the growth stage of their business might want to model upon. We can also find the practices for 759 Store to pursue differentiation and low cost strategies are very innovative. The company’s unique understanding of market taste and purchasing culture has enabled it to come up with efficient and effective strategies never  adopted by its competitors. The differentiation by trendiness and the cost minimization through shop location choice are good example of the creative strategies 759 Store has adopted. Moreover, the company’s culture of giving genuine respect to their employees and suppliers has even given 759 Store special competitive advantages in the market. The business model of adopting broad differentiation strategy, however, is not without risks. In order to achieve this distinctive competitive positioning, 759 Store has developed a number of potential risks. The company has an unhealthy amount of debts due to rapid expansion, which makes the company vulnerable to economic downturns. Besides, when compare with the differentiators and the cost leaders, the profit margin of 759 Store is significantly narrower. Profitability could be sacrificed during the growth stage of the company, but we foresee that the company has to adjust its competitive strategy in order to create a sustainable business model in the future. References 759 Store, â€Å"About Us.† Accessed November 2, 2014. 759 Store Blog. â€Å"759é˜ ¿Ã¤ ¿ ¡Ã¥ ±â€¹- Ã¥ °â€¹Ã¨ ³ ¢Ã¦ ±â€šÃ¦â€° !† Accessed October 24, 2014, CEC International Holdings Limited. â€Å"Annual report 13-14.† Accessed October 24, 2014. Hill, Charles W. L. and Gareth R. Jones. Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Hong Kong Celebrity Network. â€Å"Lam Wai Chung.† Accessed November 2, 2014.

Monday, July 29, 2019

ECON 4020-001 - Intermed Macroecon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ECON 4020-001 - Intermed Macroecon - Essay Example Davidson suggests that US increased the national debt during wars and recessionary periods because during those times only spender is government. The spending by the government therefore stimulates the necessary domestic demand which creates more jobs and increases the consumption. He provides evidence of how large deficits by the government during war and recessionary times actually were followed by periods of economic prosperity as well as job creation. Era after World War II was an era which was economically more prosperous than the times before war and one of the most important reasons for this was the government spending during war times by the US government and resulting large deficits. Davidson therefore suggests that actual task of fiscal policy is to act as a balancing wheel to generate sufficient aggregate demand which can stimulate entrepreneurs to create new jobs and deter from imposing or raising taxes to reduce the fiscal deficit and remove the role of government from the economy. Robert J Barrow’s article â€Å"Robin Hood Cant Lead Us Out of the Debt Hole: Obamas obsession with higher tax rates on the rich is not helpful† however focuses upon the argument of raising marginal taxes for rich in America to finance the fiscal deficit of the country. Barrow suggests that the current government in US may be missing the point that by increasing the government expenditure, multiplier effect can have a positive impact on the economy. He presents the recent historical analysis of the financial crisis and how the government actually allowed Lehman Brothers to fail to actually initiate a systematic failure of important institutions. Barrow therefore argues that rather than taxing the rich, the overall composition of the federal government needs to be changed. Government shall increase the maximum age limit for the entitlement of the social security as well as further rationalize the federal government

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Investigation and Analysis of Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Investigation and Analysis of Technology - Essay Example The practise of using social media platforms for various purposes has increased with time. Social media platforms have become avenues for social communication and interaction. In fact, socialisation has increased tremendously as more people become connected to the internet. Facebook, Online gaming, and Twitter are considered the most widely used social media platforms. Millions of people across the world spend considerable time on social platforms interacting in different contexts. Making friends has been reduced to a click of a button. Using social media makes it possible to communicate and share information to many people simultaneously. Additionally, it makes it easy to follow news updates, emerging issues and interact with the world with ease. Online gaming such as Sony PlayStation Network (PSN) offers an entertainment and recreational platform. Twitter on the other hand offers a platform for quick and instant sharing of real time information for socialisation and other contexts as well (Ryan 2-4; Smith 6-7; Christakis and Fowler Web). However, the practice of overwhelming dependency on social media raises alarm as reality sets in. For instance, natural socialisation where people meet face-to-face has been greatly hampered. Overuse of Facebook as a social platform has greatly hampered natural socialisation. ... ent experienced when interacting naturally is evidently missing when social media platforms are used for interaction (Smith 15-17; Christakis and Fowler). Online gamers have been signalled for neglecting their human instincts as they become increasingly addicted to online games. Korea is one of the countries with high number of online gamers. Incidences have been reported whereby, a mother supposedly let her child die of hunger as she was busy feeding an online child. Another person shot his mother when she interrupted his online game and actually stole her credit card to purchase more gaming time. Another child fell on a rail track when playing video game while walking (Smith 1-3). The greatest trade-off, however, is compromise on health. Cases of obesity, overweight and sedentary lifestyles have been greatly attributed to overwhelming use of social media platforms. For instance, many people spend countless hours chatting on Facebook without considering the health implications. Lack of exercise becomes a predisposing factor to so many diseases and health conditions. The situation is even worsened by the fact that many people use social medial platforms for recreation after spending much time sitting in office chairs. Ideally, increased used of social networking has resulted in increased health problems (Ryan 7-11; (Christakis and Fowler Web). For this essay, I interviewed a few of my friends who are of my age. Additionally, interviewed two of my neighbours, who are about 50 years to see what they think of social networking. It was disturbing to see the difference in opinions between these two groups. My friends felt that social networking was the best thing that ever happened to them. According to one of my friends, â€Å"I can have as many identities as possible without

Management of people and organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management of people and organizations - Essay Example This report consists of an organizational structure of the Walgreen Company. The company follows rigid departmentalization, which is a centralized set-up. The departments are not expected or needed to interact with each other on a daily basis. There are times when inter department communication is necessary but they are not expected to work in collaboration for the fulfillment of their routine tasks. It consists of levels of functional setup with centralized reporting and authoritative work processes. The original structure consists of three levels of management; the CEO on the first level, CFO and Departmental heads on the second level, supervisors and managers in the third level. There is a recommendation given to re-structure the set-up. Instead of three levels, Area Managers can be located at level two who will be responsible to give directives to the departmental heads. As Walgreens is providing services at national and international platforms, it is necessary to locate Area Man ager. During this process, some authority and decision-making powers of CEO can be transferred to the Area Managers. It is bureaucratic organization with very less communication between the departmental heads. However, there can be some delegation of work within the department. Supervisors can take the role of the Line Managers in the organization. However, there is a need to define their responsibility. Managers and Departmental Heads can play an effective role in filling communication gap and provide solutions within the department.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Seeing the value in art Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Seeing the value in art - Research Paper Example The great works of art purchase is not as is with normal public goods. Why then can’t art be able do fed and shelter us just like technology? What value have people therefore assigned art? According to Guest, (1), we concider art as feelings: the objective expwrience the the piece of art work instills in us. as such the quality of the artwork could be judged by how much feelings it evokes in us. As I investigate the value of art and why art needs to be assigned value just like technology so that it can feed and shelter us, this paper will establish the monetary, cultural and historical valuation of art. Additionally, it will discuss the reception of art work and art movements, as well art exhibitions that challenged tradition and subsequently broadened the definition of art present in contemporary visual artworks. Finally, the paper will outline the objectives and roles of public agencies involved in supporting the creation and installation of art before giving a brief summary conclusion on the findings. Assessing the value of an artwork involve a critical analysis of the term value. In economics, value refers to a commodity’s worth as measured against others. In ethics, it implies to those desirable and worthwhile qualities of a commodity. It may also include rating something in relation to its perceived worth, usefulness or importance. Sometimes value can also be understood in paintings and photography as the darkness or lightness of the given image. Monetary value refers to that property of having material worth. This is often indicated by how much money the property would bring if sold out. Monetary value of art has been an issue especially when it comes to how much is a given of art work decided. Smith (1) identifies that it is hard to seee art through the clutter of dollars. He asserts that the monetary value of art has been asigned by the new culture that differentiates

Friday, July 26, 2019

Summary analyses respons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary analyses respons - Essay Example The legacy has been privatized and the idea of public good has been forgotten. The Olympic legacy requires both the public and private sector’s participation to sustain. This will support those who do not pay their way, loss of a permanent athletics track, and making the folk who produce the sports clothing not the biggest winners in the Olympic Games. The audience includes the organizers of Olympic Games as well as the universities having the regeneration gurus. The fundamental purpose of the article was to convey that the Olympic Games take a lot of public money and benefit only the private sector, thus causing little improvement in the socioeconomic conditions of the boroughs. The article is a criticism of the Olympic Games’ effectiveness in addressing their intended purposes. I personally agree to the author of the article because the flow of money in the Olympic Games has historically been from the public towards the private sector, while the noble objectives have been largely

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Conflicts between public interest and personal interest, which created Speech or Presentation

Conflicts between public interest and personal interest, which created by Human Rights Acts 1998 (Can the British Bill of Right handle the problem) - Speech or Presentation Example Article 8 of the conventions provides for respect for one’s private life, home and family life. The Article covers areas concerned with self-determination. The definition of private life is complicated and broad. The privacy entitles people to life without the intrusion as in the case of Terry v Persons Unknown (Rev 1) [2010] EWHC 119 (QB) (29 January 2010) (BAILII 2010). Contrary to Article 8, Article 10 provides for freedom of expression. One of the aspects of expression involves communication. Communication entitles citizens to express their ideas without limitations. However, communication may also be limited depending on the infringement of an individual’s privacy (BAILII, 2012). It, therefore, can be deciphered that the two aspects considered in the two articles breach confidence in their interpretation. Whereas Article 10 advocates democratic expression, Article 8 suppresses such fundamental entitlements. Article 10 demands transparency and openness, contrary to article 8 that advocates privacy. Upholding Article 8 requires prior consultation of individuals while exercising expression. Such incidence occurred between Mr. Max Mosley sought for an injunction to uphold Article 8 (Mosley v The United Kingdom [2011] 53 E.H.R.R 30). An inference of lack of proper ways of upholding Article 8 can be made from the case. Article 9 provides for an individual’s freedom to uphold a wide range of ideas and beliefs, based on religious ideologies. The article empowers citizens with autonomy regarding their actions and lifestyles (Equal Rights Trust 2014, p. 2). The issue of public interest involves anything that may interfere with other standards upheld in the society. The extent of manifestation of beliefs may be limited as in the case Eweida and Others v The United Kingdom; ECHR 15 January 2013 (BAILII, 2013). Usually, one’s autonomy conflicts with that of the mass. Personal interest concerns

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Kate Chopin's short story The Storm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kate Chopin's short story The Storm - Essay Example Like Calixta, women had to suppress their sexual desires and conform to societal marriage norms. Chopin symbolically uses the storm to mean the meteorological condition of the atmosphere with strong winds and rain, thunder and lightning, and dusty wind. This parallels with a literary storm evident in passionate and intense emotion between two past lovers, who coincidentally, reunite during an intense meteological storm (131). For Calixta and Alcee, their reunion evidently brought sustenancial satisfaction evident in â€Å"The generous abundance of her passion†¦ found response in the depths of his sensuous nature that had never yet been reached.† (133) indicates that the two turned to each other to fulfill their sexual wants and needs. Both literary and emotionally, the story focus around the storm’s primary motif. Initially, Calixta is unaware of the upcoming storm and continues sewing despite the atmosphere growing darker and warmer (130). However, her journey to collect clothes outside bumps her to Alceem Secondly, the storm truly begins with â€Å"big rain drops†¦Ã¢â‚¬  falling at the same time Alcee rids into Calixta’s compound to shelter from the rain (131). Finding Calixta alone, Alcee keeps her company, but uncontrollably reminded of previous romance. Thirdly, the storm intensifies outside as sheets of water beating upon boards and the lightning striking a tree. Alcee and Calixta find themselves holding each other as she tries to avoid the crashing lightning (132). Like the storm, they yield to their desire for pleasure, and their overwhelming feelings made it possible to ignore the torrents outside, as if a wall isolated them from reality. This compared to the storm obscuring distance cabins and the distant wood. Fourthly, the storm subsides and passes, leaving soft rain drops. Calixta remains in Alcee’s arms both are happy for overcoming

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Child abuse problem within my community and propose a solution Research Paper

Child abuse problem within my community and propose a solution - Research Paper Example However, any type of abuse to a child tends to scar the child for life. In this study an attempt is being made at analyzing the problem of Child abuse and trying to find the right strategies and interventions that could be used to minimize the pain and trauma that a child goes through when such a catastrophe happens. Body – Literature review Child abuse is an ugly scar on society, that has a very negative impact on the community and society at large and hence there is a dire need to address this problem by putting an end to the physical, emotional and psychological scourge faced by such vulnerable children. There are many common factors that contribute towards child abuse. Some of these factors include physical abuse, sexual assault, neglect, high levels of stress, abusive childhood, depression and anxiety. Such abuse towards children leaves a lasting impression on them and impacts upon their own lives as they grow into adults. Such abused adults are a threat to their own fami lies and society because they continue to exhibit the same pattern of behavior right through their lives. According to (Cindy, 312) individuals who once get into the habit of abusing do not hesitate from extending this practice towards other members of the family thus further strengthening this trend in the society. (Cindy, 312) Child abuse has proved to have very long term effects on the society, children who are subjected to this blight tend to maintain the same attitude on their future generations especially their own kids. This way a cycle is developed which takes conscious and intended efforts to break in the years to come. (Mary, 250) Some of the reasons for its prevalence involve having being abused during their childhood, insecurity, frustration, revenge, health problems, ego- identity and poor self image which makes them fall an easy prey to Child abuse. Larry J. Siegel et al., (2010) sheds light on the different aspects of Juvenile Delinquency in his in-depth analysis and cutting edge seminal research work titled ‘Theory, Practice and Law.’ In addition to the controversial issues discussed, the authors examine the important initiatives and intervention programs to help children who are delinquents. Problematic issues such as drugs, gangs, delinquency and capital punishment for juveniles are also important aspects of his study. According to (Larry, et al., 2010) adolescent dilemma comprising of conflict, stress, ego identities and problems within the family, school and community serves as a potent ground because they make children vulnerable to Child abuse. Uncertainty of the future due to poor experiences in life makes them disillusioned, depressed and frustrated making them easy prey for child abusers. Statistical figures have exhibited an alarming rise as far as child abuse is concerned. In Greenville South Carolina; 1019 cases of child abuse were reported in the year 2005 which speaks volumes of the negative effects it might have infl icted on the community. (Larry, 64) (Rachel, 220) believes that children who are abused are driven to extreme attitudes; either they become too indifferent towards love or too aggressive which results in bullying other children and in the former case, end up being terrorized themselves. The pioneering work of (Ruth & Kempe, 2001) presents a statistical view of abused children in the United States. According to them about 2% to 6% of children have been injured through physical assault and neglect by

Monday, July 22, 2019

Islam, Quran, Sunnah Essay Example for Free

Islam, Quran, Sunnah Essay The paper talks about the importance of the Quran and the Sunnah as the primary sources of Islamic beliefs, practices, and law, and their influence in Muslims daily life Islam. Islam is a religion that was originated when Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) began to spread the teachings of Allah (God of the followers of Islam) in the 7th century. God choose Prophet Mohammad as his last messenger and ordered the Prophet to spread his teachings and to ask everyone to believe in the oneness of Allah and the people who follow Islam are called the Muslims. Quran is the book of God that was revealed to Prophet Mohammad through Angel Jibrael and the Muslims consider the book to be a very Holy Book of God that covers each and every aspect of life and the word Quran stands for recitation. It talks about everything a human being needs to seek guidance for and it tells the right way of how to live your life. When the Quran was revealed, the language it was written in was Arabic, however, now the book is available in all translations so that people can read and understand the true context of the book well and can follow its teachings. The teachings in the Quran differentiate the right from wrong and also tell the benefits of selecting the right path and the consequences of selecting the wrong path. The Muslims who select the right path would always benefit in the world and also in the hereafter i. e. life after death. Quran does not force anyone to adopt the right or the wrong path but it does portray the negative and the positive aspects of the path the Muslims select. As mentioned above, Quran is a complete book of guidance for the Muslims and it covers every aspect of life. To further explain this, I would give some examples of what Quran speaks of. Some of the very basics that Islam as well as other religions also ask the human community to do is to always select the right path that means they should not cheat anyone, they should not lie, they should not betray anyone or should not take the sue share of another person. As said by the Quran and the Prophet Mohammad, the Muslims who will follow the teachings of Islam and implement the etchings of the Quran will always be successful in every way and the most important thing is that Allah (God) will also love such people and this would then result in the worldly reward or the reward of going to Heaven after death. When the Quran was revealed, the companions of Prophet Mohammad used to write down each and every verse of Allah and the Book was later complied and the text is still the same as it was when it was revealed. The Muslims also believe that each and every word is the Book is the word of Allah. Quran is thus very important in shaping up the life of a Muslim and is one of the primary sources of Islamic beliefs. Other than the Quran, the Sunnah is also considered to be one of the primary sources of the Islamic believes. The word Sunnah basically refers to the path that Prophet Mohammad choose to live his life and it includes the traditions he followed, his actions and words, what he practiced. Overall, it basically the way he had chosen to live his life. The Muslims follow the example of the Prophet Mohammad mainly through the Hadiths. Prophet Mohammad did each and everything God asked him to do and led his whole life always by choosing the right path. For instance, Prophet Mohammad taught the Muslims to offer prayers both individually as well as in congregation especially for the men and that is what the Muslims follow today especially on every Friday when all Muslim men go to the mosque to offer the Friday prayers. Since the time of Prophet Mohammad, people have learned how to live in a practical manner and this has been transmitted to their future generations. The Muslims also adopt the living style of the Prophet that includes his habits and style and the way he dealt with the other people. He was always considerate and caring, he always used to forgive others and he always used to be polite with others and this is what the Muslims must inculcate in themselves as well. The Quran also talks about Prophet Mohammad and has commanded the Muslims to follow what the Prophet has taught and to obey the teachings of the Prophet at all times. The significance of Sunnah is moreover also to please God by doing what His most loved Prophet did and to embrace his way of living. Both the Quran and the Sunnah therefore, play a very vital role in shaping up the life of a Muslim and so these have a great influence on the lives of the Muslim community. Work Cited Neusner, Jacob. World Relgions in America: An Introduction. 3rd Edn. Westminster John Knox Press, 2003. Swarup, Ram. Understanding the Hadith: The Sacred Traditions of Islam. 1st Edn. Prometheus Books, 2002. Voorst, Robert. E. V. Anthology of World Scriptures. 6th Edn. Wadsworth Publishing, 2007. Waqner, Walter H. Opening the Quran: Introducing Islams Holy Book. 1st Edn. University of Notre Dame Press, 2008.

War Poetry Coursework Essay Example for Free

War Poetry Coursework Essay Peoples attitudes towards war changed as the war progressed and this is shown in the war poetry which reported about war to the civilians back in Britain. At first these war poems praised war, but when the soldiers realised the truth about war, their poetry changed to show the horrors of war. Eventually poets began writing to ask for the war to stop. The early World War One poetry was written in praise of war. This is because the poets had not yet experienced the horrors of war. They believed the propaganda which led them to believe that war was glorious. Two examples of such poetry are The Soldier and The Dead both by Rupert Brooke. Both of the poems are sonnets. Sonnets are traditionally love poems so through using this form Brooke shows his love for his country. The poems say that it is glorious to die at war: Dying has made us rarer gifts than gold, The Dead This means that the people who die at war are more precious than gold because of their sacrafice. Brooke believes that they have become better people through dying for a cause. The Soldier glorifies death at war by saying If I should dieTheres some corner of a foreign field that is forever England. Brooke cares more about the glory of England than for his own life. Brooke regards death at war as a glorious thing although the word If shows that he does not expect to die. Each poem uses personification. The Dead personifies the Dead by giving the word Dead a capital letter showing respect. The soldier personifies England by calling it her. This also shows patriotism because Brooke thinks of England as a person. The Soldier repeats the word England and English throughout the poem showing Brookes patriotism. The sestet of The Soldier portrays an English Heaven showing patriotism. Rupert Brooke writes as if England was his mother: A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware. This shows why he is so patriotic; England has helped him so much he is repaying the country by risking his life for it, he does not care if he dies for England because he believes that without England he would not have lived in the first place. The Dead displays patriotism because it mentions heritage showing he is proud of Englands military past. Rupert Brooke is naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve as he thinks he will not die at war. However, he believes that if he does die at war it will be a glorious and beautiful event. In The Dead he starts off the poem with the words Blow out, you bugles! Over the rich dead. Brooke is celebrating the fact that they have died. This conveys how much he believed death at war was good because he celebrated it. The word Rich suggests that the dead have gained from dying. Poetry written on the front line expressed the differences between the fake image of war which the propaganda created and the truth. The poems described the poor conditions and the number of casualties on the front line. Two examples of such poetry are A Working Party by Siegfried Sassoun and Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen. These poems use irony to show how different reality was to the image of war created by propaganda. Sassoun says that there are nimble rats in the trenches. This shows that the rats have more energy than the exhausted soldiers. It also indicates that the conditions must be poor in the trenches for rats to be thriving. Dulce Et Decorum Est has an ironic tile. It is taken from a Latin saying meaning it is sweet and fitting to die for your country. It is an ironic title because the poem shows that it is far from sweet and fitting to die at war. In these poems the irony contrasts emphasises the contrast between the propaganda and reality. Both the poems show the disabling effects of war and how the conditions are dehumanizing for the soldiers. Sassoun uses strong words such as blundered and wretchedly to show how the men have been disabled by war. The word grunt conveys how the conditions have caused them to become animalistic. Owen describes how war has had a disabling effect on the men in the opening lines of the poem. Owen decribes the men as Bent double, like old beggars under sacks. / Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed our way through sludge. This shows how the soldiers have been transormed into sick, angry old men by the war. They are described as drunk with fatigue because they are so tired and overworked that they cannot work or behave normally, but act as if they were drunk from alcohol. Owen and Sassoun make use of direct realism and show panic in emergencies. In Dulce Et Decorum Est the soldier shouts Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! The monosylabic words and exclamation marks show the panic when the gas shell explodes. The speech comes suddenly after a slower description of the trenches and soldiers. This takes the reader by surprise and makes us feel the soldiers surprise when the gas bomb came. In A Woring Party the soldiers say Keep to your right make way!. This shows that the trenches were crowded. The short sentences and monosybalic words show urgency. The exclamation mark emphasises the urgency and frustration of the men as they hurry to get through a trench. The poems have bitter and angry tones. This shows the poets anger at having to go to war. The anger and bitterness is shown in the negative words used throughout the poems. Sassoun uses negative words to descirbe the conditions and feelings of the soldiers such as sodden, wretchedly and chilly. He shows the soldiers individual anger at the war when he says that a soldier stooped and swore / Because a sagging wire had caught his neck. This angry the soldiers are that they will swear at something so little as a sagging wire just to release some of the anger. Wilfred Owen is also angry and bitter at the war. He uses negative words to show this such as haunting, blood-shod, and Bitter as the cud. Owen also shows the mens anger at war by saying they cursed through sludge. Both the poems use repetition to emphasise certain points. A Working Party uses repetition to emphasise how quickly a soldier can die. The poem starts off with the words Three hours ago he blundered up the trench. Half way through the poem the Sassoun repeats this using the word stumbled instead of blundered. The repetition halfway through reminds us how short ago it was when the soldier was alive. Dulce Et Decorum Est also uses repetition. The word drowning is repeated to emphasise the death of the soldier. Both the poems show how qucikly the soldiers die. Sassoun saysthat the man was alive Three hours ago. Owen describes the mans death as it happens in a few seconds when gas kills him suddenly. Owen and Sassoun show that in reaity there is no honour in death at war. In Dulce Et Decorum Est Owen describes how the dead corpse is flung into the wagon. Owen describes the mans white eyes writhing in his face,/ His hanging face like a devils sick of sin. The dead is not treated like a hero but like he is merely another casualty of many in the war. He is not treated with respect but he is treated like a peice of rubbish in a dump. In A Working Party the mans death is not glorious. We know he did not want to die because he thougth of getting bakc by half-past twelve He was stacking sand bags when a shell exploded nearby causing his head to split open. This is not the gloriouus death that we would expect from earlier poems. He is not killed while shooting down enemy troops or in some other glorious heroic way but he is killed stacking sand bags. The Poems have pathos. They both focus on just one death making it stand out from the millions of other casualties. The pathos is extremely effective in A Working Party because Sassoun describes the mans life in Britain: He was a young man with a meagre wife And two small children. This makes us pity him more becasue he had family that he has left behind. Sassoun also describes the mans character. He was a decent chap who did his work and hadnt much to say. This makes the man seem more of an innocent victim than he would if he hadnt been described at all. The mans actions leading up to his death are also described. Irony is used to make us symathise with him because He thought of getting back by half-past twelve. Wilfred Owen also describes just one death but also focuses on the effect is has on Owen. There is a gas attack on a group of men. All the others manage to get away but someone still was yelling out and stumbling. this makes us pity the one man more because he dies alone. Owen tell us the effect the death had on him: In all my dreams before my helpless sight / He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. This makes us pity not only the man who died but also Owen. It also shows that death was such a terrible thing that it had more than one victim, it traumatised the living who would carry the memory for the rest of their lives. As the war progressed the poetry became increasingly bitter. Poets became determined to show the truth of what went on at the front line. They wanted to stop people believing the false image the propaganda had given them so that they would think twice about enlisting. Two of these poems were Disabled by Wilfred Owen and Does it matter? by Seigfried Sassoun. At the time the poems were written many people believed that if they were disabled at war they would be treated as heroes but these poems show that in reality there was no glory in being disabled at war. Seigfried Sassoun shows that there is no glory through his sarcastic tone. The poem asks does it matter? losing your legs? / For people will always be kind. This will make the reader realise that even if people are always kind, it is little compensation for having no legs. The third stanza is about the psychological scars of war. The poem suggests sarcastically that it would not matter to go mad as a result of the war because people wont say that youre mad; For theyll know you fought for your country / And no one will worry a bit. This will make the reader see that the idea of people treating you with respect if you are disabled by war is an unrealistic one. The words And no one will worry a bit are effective because the sarcasm suggests they wont worry because they know why you are disabled and will respect you, whereas in reality people wont worry about you because people wont care. In Disabled the soldiers welcome home is far from heroic. Owen writes: some cheered him home, but not as crowds cheer goal. Only a solemn man who brought him fruits. The man is not welcomed back as a hero but is greeted by just one solemn man. He will not be treated as a hero. Instead he will spend a few sick years in institutes. He is lonely and abandoned now shown by the last lines of the poem which ask Why dont they come? Owen and Sassoun show that disabled soldiers rely on pity. They would have expected to have relied on respect after they return but people no longer respect them, they pity them. They rely on peoples kindness as they cannot look after themselves anymore. Sassoun writes that people will always be kind. This is a sarcastic statement because they wont always be kind and if they are it is for the wrong reasons. Disabled shows that the man is abandoned by society. The man is lonely as he sat in a wheelchair waiting for dark. If he was a hero he would be attractive to girls, but instead they touch him like some queer disease. He is neglected as he wants to go to bed but no one comes leaving him on his own, asking Why dont they come? Each poem compares the disabled men to able bodied men showing the contrast between what they are and what they were. Does It Matter? says about the activities the other men take part in which the disabled man cannot participate in: The others come in after hunting to gobble their muffin and eggs. This makes the reader pity the disabled man more because he is left out and forgotten while the able bodied men are having fun. Disabled contrasts the man in the wheelchair with the boys in the park. The man is also contrasted with the way he was before he went to war: There was an artist silly for his face, For it was younger than his youth, last year. Now, he is old. This shows how in just one year he has turned from a handsome young boy into an elderly man. Both A Working Party and Does It Matter use rhetorical questions to encourage the reader to think. Sassoun asks Does it matter? Losing your legs?, Does it matter? Losing your sight? and Do they matter? Those dreams from the pit? After each question there is a pause to make the reader think. These questions are sarcastic becasue they make it seem like it doesnt matter when the poem shows that in reality it does matter. By repeating the question Does it matter? the reader is constantly reminded that it matters a lot to be disabled by war. Disabled repeats a question at the end: Why dont they come And put him to bed? Why dont they come? By making the question the last part of the poem the reader is left thinking about it. By repeating the question it emphasises the lonliness and despair of the soldier. Both the poems are angry at the war and at the attitudes of people in Britain. Wilfred Owen is angry that the army recruited a man who was drunk and underage. The poem says smiling they wrote his lie; aged nineteen years. The fact that the men were smiling makes them seem evil as they were sending a boy off to war. Owen is angry at the war. He see the war as pointless because the boy threw away his legs suggesting that he did it for no good reason. Sassoun is angry at the attitudes of British civilians towards the war and towards the disabled. This is shown in his angry sarcastic tone. The poems show the disabled men remembering when they were able bodied. This shows that remembering better days is all they can do now as they will never have those happy experiences of their youth again. In Disabled the man remembers when he was poular with girls, he remembers playing football and he remembers why he signed up for the war in the first place. He remembers when the town used to swing so gay. In Does It Matter? Sassoun says if you lose your sight you can sit on the terrace remembering. This shows that if you lose your sight all you will have to go by is memories of vision. Disabled and Does It Matter? both focus on the disabling effects after a soldier returns to Britain. Does It Matter? shows how you can lose limbs, lose your sight and be psycholigally affected by war. Disabled shows how a single man has been affected by losing his legs and one arm at war. Towards the end of the war the poets began to ask for the war to stop. They prayed to God for an end to the violence. Two examples of such poetrry are Futility by Wilfred Owen and How Long O Lord by Robert Palmer. They both use rhetorical questions to make the reader think about the purpose of the war. Robert Palmer makes the title of his poem a rhetorical question. Palmer asks God twice in the poem how long the war will last. He asks How long, O Lord, how long, before the flood / Of crimson-welling carnage shall abate. He also asks How long / Shall Satan in high places lead the blind / To battle for the passions of the strong? This is the same question but in each one war is decribed differently to show that there are so many bad things about war. The questions show how desperate Palmer is for the war to end. Wilfred Owen also uses rhetorical questions. He asks Are limbs so clear achieved, are sides Full nerved still warm too hard to stir? He is asking that if the sun once brought life to the earth why it cant bring life to the dead soldier. Owen hopes that if he moves the dead body into the sun it owould bring him back to life. This shows how desperate Owen was that he was willing to try to wake the dead this way. Owen asks a second rhetorical question. He asks Who is it for the day grew tall, O what made fortuous sunbeam toil To break earths sleep at all? This question shows how war has caused Owen to give up hope and ask what was the point in God creating the world if he would only let it be destroyed by war. The poems are both asking for miracles. Owen is asking for the sun to awake a dead man. Palmer is asking for God to end the war. Both the poems use personification. Robert Palmer personifies feelings of hate and pride: Hate their most hateful, pride their deadliest foe. This means that the soldiers biggest enemy is not the Germans but it is their own hate and pride. If they did not have hate for the Germans there would be no war. If they did not have pride they would not have signed up for the war. Owen personifies the kind old sun. This shows that the sun is the only thing Owen has to be thankful for during the war, he looks to it like a friend as he desperately wants the man to awake. Thus to conclude during the four years of World War One the poetry changed to reflect the changing attitudes of the soldiers. At first poets glorified war, as the war progressed they wrote about how they had been lied to by propaganda and about the terrible reality of war. The poetry became increasingly bitter throughout the war and eventually the same poets who glorified war began pleading for the war to stop.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Psychological and Social Factors

Psychological and Social Factors Discuss the psychological and social factors that influence people adoption of healthy or unhealthy lifestyles Evidence from various researches has shown that major causes of death are from individual behaviour. Health behaviour with regards to alcohol consumption, smoking, type of diet and exercise plays an important role when projecting the life span of an individual. Hence behaviour and lifestyle have a significant correlation to good health and longevity (Naidoo Will 2008). Individual have the free will to choose whether or not to adopt a healthy lifestyle. An individual lifestyle reflects their values and beliefs, though it is a combination of habits and conventional ways of doing things (Knok 2006). There are several factors affecting the choice of healthy or unhealthy lifestyle by an individual. This essay will focus on alcohol abuse which is one of the various unhealthy lifestyles that people adopts. In order to gain in-depth knowledge of the factors that affect and contribute to the unhealthy behaviour of alcohol abuse; this essay would identify contents such as social learning theory, health belief model, genetic theories, cognitive and behavioural theories, social economic status, culture, effect of media and some examples from real life. A healthy lifestyle is an element of choice and behaviour that is aimed at preventing disease and enhancing health and well- being (Ogden 2000). Beliefs and values has been highlighted by Tones and Tilford (2001); Tones and Green (2004) as major influence that affects the practice of a healthy lifestyle. The health belief model, health locus of control and the theory of reasoned action are some of the theories that seeks to explain individual behaviour that affects their health. It has been suggested that preventive health behaviour by perceived susceptibility, perceive severity and perceived beliefs and barriers (For example a cousin of mine by name Mr B was driven to stop drinking alcohol.. When my uncle (his father) who has been a heavy drinker of this stuff, suddenly became seriously sick and within a short period time he died. He was diagnosed with cirrhosis of liver. The cause of the death of my uncle has played a role in the behaviour change of my cousin (Mr B). He has the perception of the risk and seriousness of the illness. This means that he felt susceptible to the illness. However individuals have beliefs related to both their health and illness. This beliefs influence their behaviour which in turn have impact on how healthy they are. Hence Leventhal et al 1980, 1997 clearly defined illness belief as patient own implicit common sense belief about illness. The kind of lifestyle an individual chooses is determined by the beliefs and attitudes. According to Jennie Naidoo and Jane Wills 2008, theory of planned behaviour consisted of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control. If for example an individual believed that cutting down on drinking would make life more productive (attitude) and believed that people that are important in his/her life wanted him/her to stop (subjective norm ) and on evaluation of internal and external control factor (behaviour control) this would predict him/her a high intention to stop. This concept relates to what happened to mine cousin (Mr B) having evaluated the consequences and influence of the family, he decided to stop. he theories of planned behaviour in psychology as suggested by Rise et al 2002 relates to belief which strongly affects behaviour and therefore make the belief a subjective probability that a specific behaviour will generate an outcome. Individuals that adopt unhealthy behaviour drinking alcohol has been classified as either binge or a steady drinking (Carlson 2004).The evidence suggests that binge drinking has a both an environmental and a genetic component. Ciccocioppo and Hyytia 2006, Goldman et al 2005, Kreeket al 2001 was of the opinion that some people are born alcoholic. They strongly believed that these people are genetic tendency to alcoholism. Even though a person may have a genetic tendency to alcoholism, the general influence of environment over genes has to be taken into consideration. Pavlov (1949) in social learning theory reflects learning by modelling and associating behaviour. It is pertinent to note that this may involve classical conditioning (internal and external cues) reinforced positively or negatively conditioning and observational learning (Walker 2004) Children learn lots of habits from parents, relations and peers. This may result in them coping in their behaviour through observational learning. For instance sons of steady drinkers have a seven times greater risk of being a steady drinker themselves than sons of non-drinkers. Daughters of steady drinkers often show somatization disorder, where they complain frequently about illness even in non-existence of provable illness problems (Carlson 2004). Studies have revealed that alcohol abuse is a form of drug dependence. It has been stated that more than a quarter of adults aged 16-24 in England are drinking more than the recommended limits which could harm their health. It was also implied that 8.2 million adults need some form of intervention (Drummond et al 2004). It has been highlighted that 27% of men are drinking more than 21 units a week and 17% of women are drinking more than 14units a week in the United Kingdom (Office of National Statistics General Household Survey 2003). Excessive alcohol use can damage body organs for example cirrhosis of the liver and violent tantrums which sometimes lead to suicide. It is also widely acknowledged that alcohol misuse and abuse has a great impact on health and social well-being (Miller and Rollnick 2002). The question then arises, why do people engage in such unhealthy behaviour? It has been noted that parents are more important at early stage but individual may therefore be unrealistically optimism if they focus on the times when they drink in moderation when assessing their own risk and ignore the times when they do not. In addition focussing on the times when others around them drink to excess and ignoring the times when they are more sensible. Hence Weinstein (1984) emphasised that individuals focus more on overlooking their own risk -increasing behaviour and concentrating mainly upon their risk reducing behaviour. People hold beliefs about their own vulnerability to a given problem and make judgements concerning the extent to which they are at risk. They believed that they were less likely than others to get the health problem (Weinstein 1987 ) In view of this therefore unrealistic optimism determines unhealthy lifestyles of alcohol users who under estimate the risks of having oral cancer (Dillard Mccaul Kleen 2006) Health psychology relates to health and behaviour and the fact that human being has a complex system and unique in nature made illness as a multitude of interacting factors such as biological, behaviours, beliefs and social interactions. (Engel 1997 1980 ) However locus of control in health psychology determines the extent to which people have control over event that have impact in their lives. Some people suppose that their actions and what happens to them is up to them and consider events as personally controllable. These individual strongly belief that the events of outcomes are their own behaviour and is regarded as internal locus of control. While some people believe that outcomes of events are largely not controlled by them but lies in the hand of fate (Wallston and Wallston 1982, Hudson 2001) From all inactions people with high internal control are likely to live a healthier life style in contrast to the external locus control since they would be looking for rationale behind t he events that leads to the behaviour Sociology health and illness concept which relates to socioeconomic status, ethnicity, culture and media have important role in determining the lifestyle of individual. There are constraints embedded in people lives that may be dormant factor in the decision to practice a healthy lifestyle and these constraints may in fact leave people with little or no choice in exposing themselves to unhealthy conditions (British Journal 2006). Social class does impact in health and illness. There is a great correlation between the level of profession and mortality: through the correlation between the level of profession and morality, it is hinted that the higher up the social level the longer the life expectancy (Mark 2005, Scnitter 2004) emphasised those in the lower social class have a poorer health status than those in higher social classes. Individual in diverse social classes frequently have different nutritional styles, leisure time activities and manners towards health (Townsend et al, 1988,1992 cited by British Journal 2006). People in the lower social class often adopt more dangerous and health damaging behaviour. They prefer not to eat well, prefer to smoke more cigarettes and prefer to drink more (Devinder Rana and Dominic Upton 2009). People choice this unhealthy behaviour because they found it as the only way know to them, that work for them and available for them to get through difficult situations and proble ms. An example is my cousin Mr B who is a 45 years African British man who was brought to live in Britain at the age of 10 years due to the father migration to work in the United Kingdom. Mr B often truanted from school and began binge drinking from the age of 12-13 years old. He went out of the school at the age of 14 years without any certificate. And went out of the parent house and followed his peers who also abuse drugs (cannabis) and alcohol. The extended family effort in modelling his life and not to follow his father footsteps proved abortive as he never sleeps at home nor take their advice. At the age of 17 years, he got job as a warehouse clerk but could not hold the job more than six months because he always use the money on alcohol to the extent that he could not afford his house rents and bills. He started living on benefit and had council flat. As he had been addicted to alcohol he could not even use the benefit for food. He uses it on alcohol. He became having malnutr ition due to lack of good dietary intake. At the age of 35 years he was diagnosed with oral cancer. The role of family and social networks in shaping and sustaining life style in child development can not be over-emphasised. In view of this family, peer group, school has a great influence on an individual lifestyle (Ochieng 2003) In most cases people like my cousin Mr B realised their failure in life and then indulged in drinking in order to cover their weaknesses and believe that the use of alcohol as a means to get through their shortcomings and situations.(Devinder Rana Dominic Upton 2009). From sociological perspective different ethnic groups have different health status. The term ethnic groups covers a large number of individuals (Rassol 2006) cited by DEvinder Rana Dominic Upton. It is important to note that ethnic groupings include beliefs, tradition, languages and moral values. In addition factors such as lifestyles, custom or marriage, religion also influence these ethnic groupings. For example white lrish men (58%) and women (37%) were likely than other ethnic group to drink in excess of government lines followed by Black Caribbean (27%) men and (17%) of women while the least is the Pakistani Bangladesh and Chinese groupsÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  (Devinder Raha Dominic 2009. From this indication the mode of consumption of alcohol by these different ethnic groups would have great impact on their health status (Sangster et al cited by Devinder Raha Dominic). Ethnic group with high level of alcohol of consumption would be more prone to cancer and other rela ted diseases than ethnic with less consumption. (Adam-Campbell 2001) In essence white Irish consumed more alcohol than other EU countries (Goodman Lovejoy Sherratt 2007 It has also been argued by sociologists and psychologists that environment in which people live due to social status have great impacts on their behaviour. For example if individual found himself/herself in a volatile, unhealthy environment where people living in such area mostly indulge in alcohol use as lifestyle then there is the tendency that the individual would join the bandwagon in order to integrate into the community. On the other hand if the community is more engaged in physical lively lifestyle in order to deal with stress, boredom and problem then the individual would live a lifestyle that would project the image of the community.(Joens-Matre et al 2008) Individuals have the right to choose whether or not to adopt a healthy lifestyle and therefore media plays a vital role in determining the choices. In essence therefore media affects behaviour and greatly accounts for structuring or shaping lifestyles (Bells Hollows 2005). Generally the motive of mass media is to shape the common sense, cultural ideas and the interpretation of the world (Russell and Edgar 1988 cited by Jennis Naidoo and Jane Wills 2008). The social impact of media is to effect fundamental behavioural changes among a large section of the population and this effectively done in television broadcasting which has a massive influence on the viewers. In conclusion alcohol is a drug that contributes to an estimated 40000 deaths per year with significant cost to the NHS (Taylor 2006). Undoubtedly there would be a continuous rise in the trend in alcohol consumption due to the relaxing of licensing laws related to public house opening hours. This RED signal or unhealthy behaviour of the people should be a great concern to the government and now Government should see people as ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“first concern not the monetary aspect. Recently a call has been made by health practitioners that Government should ban advertisement of alcohol through sports and musical sponsorship. Policy should now be centred on how to provide vital information on health and accessibility of healthcare to all in respective of the social class, ethnic, or disadvantaged people. People adopt a good lifestyle based on information available. (Great Britain 2000) emphasised and encouraged people to take up physical exercise in order to have a healthy lifestyle. A lifestyle can either be positively or negatively reinforced by source of information on positive lifestyle, family and social network. By and large the writer is of the view that whatever the attractions, appeals or social norms attached to alcohol, it is a drug that has psychological and sociological effect on lives of the people in particular and society in general. It is a stimulant and then a depressant that affects the reasoning and judgement of individual. To cap it all it is a mood changing and therefore leads to violence and poor health. REFERENCES 1) Adams-Campbell, L.L (2001), Diet, Genetic Polymorphisms and Breast Cancer in African-American.Ft. Belvoir, Defence Technical Information Centre 2) Bell, D Hollows, J (2005). Ordinary lifestyles: Popular media, consumption and taste. Maiden, England, Open University Press. 3) Carlson N R (2004) Physiology of Behaviour 8th edn. 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London. Routledge cited by J Naidoo J Wills (2008) 23)Sangster, D Shiner, M Patel K Sheikh N (2001).Deliveries Drug Services to Black and minority ethnic communities, DPASS 16 London cited by D Rana D Upton 2009-09-10 24)Schnitter J (2004) Education and the changing shape of the income gradient in health. Journal of health and social behaviour, 45 (3) 286-305 cited by D Rana D Upton 2009-09-10 25)Taylor B (2006) Implementation and clinical audit of alcohol detoxification guidelines. British journal 15 (1) :30-7 26)Tones K. Green J (2004) Health Promotion:Planning and Strategies, Sage London 27)Tones K Tilford S (2001) Health Promotion: Effectiveness, Efficiency and Equity. Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham 28)Townsend P Davidson N, Whitehead M, (1988) Inequalities in Health. British journal of community nursing vol.11 78-81 (2006). 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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Fascinating Ants Essay -- Biology Biological Ant Ants Research Papers

Among the many hundreds of thousands of astonishing organisms with which we must share this earth, there is one seemingly ordinary group of specimens which fascinates many people beyond all others. There is nothing too extraordinary in the proportions or appearance of ants, but it is their history and culture that induces a second look. These insects are about as different from us mammals as two organisms can be, yet it appears that of all the known animals their way of life appears closest to our human way of life. The similarities in the ways in which we organize our lives are astounding. Ants are doubtlessly the most successful of all the social insects of the Hymenoptera, an order also including wasps and bees. The earliest known specimens are found entombed in the Scandinavian Baltic Amber samples which scientists date in upwards of 100 million years old (The Ant Colony Å’89). These primitive samples have evolved into the 5000 to 10000 species known today which vary amongst themselves as widely as the numbers suggest (Social Insects Å’68). These remarkably adaptive creatures are found in some form on all continents and all habitats but the extreme arctics. Their success is manifested in the claim that at any time there are at least 1 quadrillion living ants on earth(Groliers Å’93). All species of ants are social. They live in organized communities or colonies, which may contain anywhere from a few hundred to more than 20 million individuals. These are organized into a complex system which may contain two or more castes and sub castes which can be roughly organized into three groups. Queens, males and workers. The queen is much larger than the other ants, and has wings until mating. Her primary task is to lay eggs for the colony. Some colonies have one queen; others have up to 5000. Queens develop from fertilized ordinary eggs, nobody is exactly certain what causes these to develop into queens but it is generally thought that the process comes from an altered diet in the pupae and larvae stages and as a pheremone response, which will later be discussed. Queens have an extended life span of up to 25 years and can lay millions of eggs in that time (Ant Colony Å’89). Male ants are winged as well, their sole purpose is to mate with the queens. For this reason they are the shortest lived ants in the colony. Hatching in the .. species over another found in nature aside from we humans is the slave-making species. These raid other colonies and steal worker pupae that they enslave to carry out the work of their colonies. Some species, such as the ants of the Amazon are so specialized for capturing slaves that they can not forage for food or care for their young. Without slaves they quickly perish. Ants are often called the most fascinating insects of all. While they can be vastly destructive, stripping valuable trees bare in the tropics, and a general nuisance marching through kitchens and pantries they are extremely helpful to man as they help to clear the earth of pests like termites. Wood ants clear forests of millions of tree-destroying insects over a single summer. They have been here for approximately 53 million years, and 56 percent of genera represented among the extensive Baltic amber are living today, and show no sign of dying out soon. In our great pursuit of knowledge it is my hope that we can derive something of value from studying the culture and life-style of the hardest working organisms in the world. (With the exception, of course, of the Villanova biology teachers). Fascinating Ants Essay -- Biology Biological Ant Ants Research Papers Among the many hundreds of thousands of astonishing organisms with which we must share this earth, there is one seemingly ordinary group of specimens which fascinates many people beyond all others. There is nothing too extraordinary in the proportions or appearance of ants, but it is their history and culture that induces a second look. These insects are about as different from us mammals as two organisms can be, yet it appears that of all the known animals their way of life appears closest to our human way of life. The similarities in the ways in which we organize our lives are astounding. Ants are doubtlessly the most successful of all the social insects of the Hymenoptera, an order also including wasps and bees. The earliest known specimens are found entombed in the Scandinavian Baltic Amber samples which scientists date in upwards of 100 million years old (The Ant Colony Å’89). These primitive samples have evolved into the 5000 to 10000 species known today which vary amongst themselves as widely as the numbers suggest (Social Insects Å’68). These remarkably adaptive creatures are found in some form on all continents and all habitats but the extreme arctics. Their success is manifested in the claim that at any time there are at least 1 quadrillion living ants on earth(Groliers Å’93). All species of ants are social. They live in organized communities or colonies, which may contain anywhere from a few hundred to more than 20 million individuals. These are organized into a complex system which may contain two or more castes and sub castes which can be roughly organized into three groups. Queens, males and workers. The queen is much larger than the other ants, and has wings until mating. Her primary task is to lay eggs for the colony. Some colonies have one queen; others have up to 5000. Queens develop from fertilized ordinary eggs, nobody is exactly certain what causes these to develop into queens but it is generally thought that the process comes from an altered diet in the pupae and larvae stages and as a pheremone response, which will later be discussed. Queens have an extended life span of up to 25 years and can lay millions of eggs in that time (Ant Colony Å’89). Male ants are winged as well, their sole purpose is to mate with the queens. For this reason they are the shortest lived ants in the colony. Hatching in the .. species over another found in nature aside from we humans is the slave-making species. These raid other colonies and steal worker pupae that they enslave to carry out the work of their colonies. Some species, such as the ants of the Amazon are so specialized for capturing slaves that they can not forage for food or care for their young. Without slaves they quickly perish. Ants are often called the most fascinating insects of all. While they can be vastly destructive, stripping valuable trees bare in the tropics, and a general nuisance marching through kitchens and pantries they are extremely helpful to man as they help to clear the earth of pests like termites. Wood ants clear forests of millions of tree-destroying insects over a single summer. They have been here for approximately 53 million years, and 56 percent of genera represented among the extensive Baltic amber are living today, and show no sign of dying out soon. In our great pursuit of knowledge it is my hope that we can derive something of value from studying the culture and life-style of the hardest working organisms in the world. (With the exception, of course, of the Villanova biology teachers).

Lawsuits and the End of Sanity in America :: Exploratory Essays

Lawsuits and the End of Sanity in America Not having experienced much of the past is a mixed blessing. What's grotesque, shocking and unheard of to older Americans might seem normal, perhaps just a bit curious, to younger Americans. For example, last year New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial brought suit against gun manufacturers to recover carnage costs in his city. This January, Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell met with his advisors to consider whether the City should sue gun manufacturers for creating a public nuisance since guns were used in Philadelphia's 400-plus homicides. The City would seek to recover the cost of everything from cleaning up after bloody murders to the costs of court and social workers for victims. Mayor Rendell's imagination has also led him to discover a new liability for tobacco companies: since some of Philadelphia's fires have careless smoking as their origin, why not sue tobacco companies to recover the city's fire losses? Decades ago anyone suggesting bringing lawsuits against gun manufacturers for homicides, or tobacco companies for fires caused by careless smoking would have been considered a prime candidate for a lunatic asylum. If one generalizes from the lawsuits brought against gun manufacturers because people use their product to commit murder and mayhem, and against tobacco companies for smoking illnesses and fires caused by careless smoking, he would conclude that people are not to be held responsible for anything they do. It is the inanimate object, while incapable of acting, that is responsible. That is, a gun is responsible for murder, not the gun's user. A cigarette is responsible for a fire, not the careless smoker. That being the case, it "logically" follows that manufacturers of the offending inanimate object are culpable. After all had the manufacture not produced the gun or cigarette there would be fewer homicides, smoking-related illnesses and fires caused by careless smoking. This it's-not-my-fault principle could be broadened to include just about anything. If a scantily clad young lady is prancing along the street, distracts my attention, and I have an automobile collision, the it's-not-my-fault principle would hold the young lady liable for my accident. But she might make the case that it is the manufacturer of her mini-skirt who is really liable. If we Americans were to carry the it's-not-my-fault principle to its logical conclusion, we would virtually guarantee poverty. There would be little production. Why should I manufacture irons if I could be held liable for anything a person might do with the iron, including assault or leaving the iron unattended thereby causing a fire.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Western Civilization Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Modern European Weaponry: Shaping Changes in Warfare The human being has always found a way to inflict harm in the name of defense or simple destruction, for survival, or for the annihilation of the enemy. All within the realm of warfare, we have found a way to make sticks and stones break bones, and everything between simple technologies to the advent of gunpowder, has changed civilization and the way we live. Throughout this essay we will look at the simple truths that come from an evolution in weaponry. How it affected the social connections of those times, and the way society was forced to wage war with each other. By the time men had figured out that a piece of rock can mean the difference between life and death, weapons became an important part of human kind. Dating back to prehistoric times, men could only use the tools they could find within their means of symbiotic existence with their surroundings. It wouldn’t take long, relatively speaking, until we would figure out how to sophisticate our means of defense and battle. After the Neolithic Age, men were able to ascertain the effectiveness of metal versus the effectiveness of such crude weapons like those made of wood and/or stone. People realized that it was easier to attack the enemy with precision with such advances as a dagger that would pierce through skin as opposed to smashing the enemy with larger chunks of weapons. According to the Bible, the Israe...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Evolution of Science

Loose change menu- McDonald's have created a menu consisting of meals no more expensive than two dollars (loose change) which attracts customers with small amounts of money on them e students key phrase used by McDonald's Is: ‘A little loose change, goes a long way. This marketing strategy Is aimed at budget-focused customers aged between 14 – 25 2. Coca-Cola crown glass- McDonald's have release six limited edition Coca-Cola glasses which a customer can receive after the purchase of any large extra value al.The six glasses are only around for a limited time which gives the public an incentive to purchase a meal to collect as many limited edition glasses as possible. Key phrase: Hurry there only available for a limited time. This marketing techniques Is aimed at all customers aged between 20 – 40 2. Cheap easy Birthday parties- Birthday parties at McDonald's are extremely popular for kids aged between five and ten. There are three relatively cheap Cossacks and attr active to parent's who want an easy alternative for their child party.McDonald's describe the preparation their birthday parties as care free for parent's and that all they have to do is enjoy the atmosphere. Key phrase: We give your child a birthday party to remember! ‘ 3. Big Mac chant- McDonald's have a competition that asks you to film yourself singing the big Mac chant. By voting for a chant you receive a free Big Mac. This gives customers the incentive to vote and receive a free big Mac at the same time its a big add for the big Mac. Key phrase get voting now Outlining social media to spread their message florally. Art 2: ) On the McDonald's website there Is a section called our food and our nutrition, on the page it describes the healthy changes and alternatives McDonald's have made to their meals. This has been used to Inform the public of the healthy meals that are available at McDonald's. No I do not because children do not usually look Into the nutrition In their fo od. 2) McDonald's have also sponsored children's sporting event e. G. Little athletics, swimming Queensland. This has been used for people to associate being active and playing sport with ‘OFF eating McDonald's giving the healthier image.Yes I think it interlines young people to believe that McDonald's are a healthy fast food restraint, for the reason that they are sponsoring their sporting team. 3) Burger King- Released a limited time turkey burger in its attempt at releasing healthier option to the public. But still weighs in at 530 calories. This has been to make customers believe that what they are eating is good for them when really its Just as bad as any other meal on the menu. Yes I think it influences young people because they are easily persuaded into leveling a meal is good for them. ) McDonald's' new McGraw uses a green label to trick customers into thinking it's healthier. When really it's only 10 calories less than the normal Grilled Ranch Snack Wrap. This has bee n used to make the food seem healthy Yes I think it influences young people because most young people associate the color green with healthy food. 5) KEF being the official sponsor of cricket Australia. This has been used to associate the game of cricket with the food KEF, giving Cuff's food and image a healthy active look.Yes I do think it influence young people because they watch the cricket and see adds for KEF with members of the cricket team in them influencing them to believe the food is healthy/ part 3 Two American teenagers suing McDonald's For: The two girls were lured into McDonald's by the toys, the playground, the happy meals and the birthday parties. The persuasive television ads also played a factor in them eating there regularly. The two girls had no choice but to eat there because they lived in a remote area of America where McDonald's was one of the cheapest and only places to eat at.Against: The two teenagers ate at McDonald's at least seven times a week for years. Although they state they were unaware of how fattening McDonald's food actually is the burger loin says it handles nutrition responsibly. It puts nutritional information about its products on large; poster-size charts on its store walls and in other display areas. The charts show, for instance, that a quarter pounded with cheese has 530 calories and 30 grams of fat. To two Teenagers had no evidence that there health problems were caused solely by eating McDonald's.Response IL t b I less to taste t companies 1) List the nutritional information of the products that they are selling to the public – Read the nutritional information regarding the food they are eating and understand how it will affect your health and weight. 2) Provide healthy meals on the menu e. G. Salads – Eat a variety of meals not Just those that are bad for you 3) Inform consumers of the health risks involved in eating fast food. Understand health risks associated in eating fast food 4) Promote exerci se awareness for customers. Exercise regularlyAdolescent nutrition guideline Comparison Nutritional guidelines for an adolescent state you must have eat plenty of vegetables, cereals, lean meant and fish. The total amount of my Kilojoules added up for one meal at McDonald's was approximately 4000 k]. From my calculations I have gathered that if I ate McDonald's for breakfast lunch and dinner I would be exceeding my average intake by over kick]. I have found if I eat a healthy breakfast and relatively healthy meat based lunch I can have McDonald's for Dinner with out exceeding my maximum daily Kilojoules intake.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

When does the Mind start working?

Parents more often than non say that about their children that they will not start realizing the signifi contributece of things until they reaching a certain age. Does that mean that they need to wrap up enough experience before they apprise start drawing meaningful patterns in their brainiacs and form connections between things as suggested by Hume ?But, at the same time is this arguments base on to Descartes assertion I think, so I exist, which implies that the mind thinks intuitively, about itself, and thereby brings into existence the deduction of events around it and the connection between them through and through reason. Here lies a problem of what precedes which, or a circular tautology. If human minds do not start working until acquiring or becoming experienced, how are the wee experiences registered and translated as the basis for future ? fracture of the problem is however related to the disparate ways in which the mind can itself be defined. Is the essence of th e mind honest pure conscious awareness, as suggested by Descartes. Or is it a product of piecemeal evolution with the passage of time, as it experiences events and reflects upon them, to reach a level of awareness. It is however sooner possible, that the mind that Descartes describes is different from the mind that Hume describes when he says, All inferences from experience, therefore, are effects of custom, not of reasoning.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy Essay

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy Essay

Infrastructure is currently an agency, instead of an asset.Thus, a foundation in which an organization can determine how to achieve current and future aims. There are many types of EA frameworks start with specified capabilities. Some of these frameworks include ToGAF, Zachman, FEAF, DoDAF and EAP. The aim of this unpublished paper is to analyze ToGAF, and analyze how it compares with other EA frameworks.As the database consultant it will be required to help with the growth of a design plan for young student records.Business architecture allows the definition of governance, business strategy, the organization and any other important processes of the given organization.Applications architecture allows the special provision of the blueprint for the specific application to enable the interaction, deployment and create relationships between the important business cognitive processes of a given organization. Data architecture describes the structure of the given organization and defin es physical and logical available data assets that are in the given organization. Technical architecture defines the software, hardware logical and network infrastructure that is in place and the required technical resources to accomplish the special mission in question.

Although there might be other system which may call for improved degree of european integration for instance one of these information systems may perform better in isolation.Its ability to be tailored ensures that organizational needs are factored in each of the different execution steps of the architecture planning process. The process is usually cyclic and iterative because the entire process is split into phases. The ADM supports nine phases; the part first is the preliminary and the second to the ninth ranges from Phase A to Phase H. Each phase requirements are checked and ensured that it fulfills its basic needs.Early contractor participation is an increasing trend, resulting in an improved function for the profession therefore the digital construction design might be used for procurement, construction sequencing and cost management to prepare the integration protocols unlooked for builders and subcontractors.Enterprise Continuum brings together Solutions and Architecture Continuum. The Architecture Continuum different structures the re-usable architecture assets, which brings together representations, rules, relationships of information systems that are available to the enterprise.The Solutions Continuum defines the blocks that are used by the Architecture Continuum. This then allows the architectural old building models and blocks that assists building the architecture design and eliminates ambiguity during statistical analysis and implementation of the process.

Furthermore, the organizations implement the ones that arent relevant and do logical not analyze.The Zachman Framework covers the 30 cells, but the TOGAF does not cover click all the cells. However, it is possible for the TOGAF to develop viewpoints to accomplish aspects of Zachman Framework. Nevertheless, there are some viewpoints that are supported by TOGAF, which are not included in the Zachman Framework. For example, the missing viewpoints include manageability and security.Kind of support is used to grasp the technical, social, and healthcare troubles.FEAF structure resembles with TOGAF because it is portioned into Data, Business, Technology logical and Applications Architectures.Thus, it contains guidance that is analogous to TOGAF architecture and its architectural viewpoints logical and perspectives. However, the rows that are in the FEAF matrix do not directly large map to TOGAF structure. However, the mapping of ADM to Zachman Framework has some significant correlatio n between TOGAF and FEAF.

Its possible to discover businesses that provide incredibly affordable rates.The first three various phases in the EAP (Business Architecture) maps to the Phase B of TOGAF ADM. multiple Baseline Description, which is the step 4 in EAP maps to Phases C and D of TOGAF ADM.These are some of the basic features that both frameworks share. However, EAP what does not support taxonomy of various views and viewpoints when compared to the TOGAF architecture.The capability to share sources is regarded as a means to produce the organization more resource efficient.This perspective is different when it comes to the DODAF architecture. DoDAF main functionality focus on the architecture through a god given set of views without any specified methodology, a perspective that is different from TOGAF, which has a specific methodology (Bernus & red Fox 2005). ADM guides the way that TOGAF operates, an aspect that is less exhibited in the DoDAF.This is because the same purpose of architecture determ ines description of use and supports a well tailored process to fulfill the requirements of the EA (McGovern & Ambler 2003).

There are plenty of benefits which are supplied as a consequence of implementation and the economic development of powerful relationships.Deliverables and artifacts that are defined in the DoDAF have no corresponding parts in the TOGAF ADM. This is because DoDAF goes deeper in determining details of the specific architecture. Thus, DoDAF are at the system design level rather than in TOGAF, which is in the architecture level. Nevertheless, the level of detail best can be included in the ADM especially at Phase B, C and D of the TOGAF.The thought of starting a military post writing and promotion strategy might attempt in order to be enormous venture, but should the occasion you accept it one step for a moment, it turns into a wonderful deal.Thus, TOGAF plays an important role, which is envisaged by other Enterprise Architecture Framework. It fulfills the requirements that it is assigned, however, fulfills it different from the other EA frameworks. ReferencesBernus, P. & Fox, M. < /p>

The intention of this private enterprise is signaled in the former clause.It brings together the different models and forms of a framework into fulfilling a requirement. Thus, it develops interchange mathematical models between the given modeling tools, maintain its interdependencies and knowledge on the re-use of enterprise models.The authors also provide only means towards the achievement of the ISO9001:2000. The book brings into consideration Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing (DIISM’04) and kidney International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modeling Technology (ICEIMT’04).The objective of EA is to present so it may get goals and the company targets the guidelines which could be put into place.New York: Addison-Wesley Publishers. The book provides proven solutions to the problems that are experienced by information system developers.The first book utilizes code example in terms of C+ and Java. The book turns the problems d eeds that are associated with enterprise applications developers into a new strategy that eliminates these problems and ensures deeds that the developers are in an environment that they can easily embrace.

(2005). Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modeling, Communication, and Analysis. New York: Springer. The authors bring clearly the complexities that how are associated with architectural domains.The authors also provide means to assess both qualitative impact and quantitative aspects of the given architectures. Modeling language that is utilized has been used in real-life cases.McGovern, J. & Ambler, S.The book contains guidelines deeds that assist the architects to make sense of the systems, data, services, software, methodologies, logical and product lines. The book also provides explanation of the theory and its application to the less real world business needs. Perks, C. & Beveridge, T.The authors’ clearly explains development of a modeling concept through various technical architecture, e-business and gap analysis. Moreover, the book brings into consideration operating systems and software engineering principles. Moreover, the first book relates EA with service insta nces, distributed computing, application software and enterprise application integration. Ross, J.

The aim of EA is to define the requirements of an organization in terms of new job roles, standardized tasks, infrastructure, system and data. Moreover, the book also gives guidelines in the way that organizations will compete in a digitalized world providing managers with means to make decisions and realize visions that they had planned. Thus, the book explains EA vital role in fulfilling the execution of a given business strategy.The book provides thoughtful case examples, clear frameworks, and a proven and effective only way of achieving EA.New York: Springer Publishers. The authors’ brings into consideration the benefits that are associated with utilizing of varies EA frameworks. It brings into consideration the various differences that are seen in each EA framework. Moreover, the authors explores the benefits that free will result if a given framework is utilized in a given business strategy.New York: Trafford Publishers. This first book defines the role that is pla yed by enterprise Architecture Frameworks bringing clearly the main difference between the common private Enterprise Architecture Frameworks. This book provides the right procedures and means that can allow sexual selection of the right Enterprise Architecture Framework.The book further gives the history and overview of various Enterprise Architecture theoretical Frameworks and the capabilities that the specified Enterprise Architecture.Dynamic Enterprise Architecture: How to Make it work. New York: John Wiley and Sons Publications. The authors of the book present a way towards EA that enables organizations to achieve the objectives of their business.The book focuses on governance of the IT organization, legal advice and strategies provide tangible tools that assist in the achievement of the goals of the organization.