Monday, November 11, 2019

Health And Safety Essay

The ultimate responsibility or Accountability for health and safety lies with the Company’s Trust members The organisation chart of the business identifies the key positions of people who are accountable to the Trust Members for ensuring that the detailed arrangements for safe working are drawn up, implemented and maintained. DUTIES Chief Executive The role of the Chief Executive is to provide leadership on Health and Safety matters and policies. Specific duties are: to ensure that the Health and Safety policy, organisation and arrangements are reviewed, kept up-to-date, understood by employees, and effectively implemented; to ensure performance standards for Health and Safety are set and monitored; to monitor performance and initiate corrective action where necessary; to work with staff in reviewing, inspecting and improving work systems with the objective of improving Health and Safety performance and to ensure investigations of hazards and incidents leading to (or could have potentially lead to) injury, damage or loss are undertaken and corrective / preventive actions are undertaken. Health & Safety Officer The role of the Health & Safety Consultant is to provide support to both of the Chief Executive on Health and Safety matters and policies. Specific duties are: to instruct each employee and worker as necessary in the avoidance of hazards and in the safe performance of their work; to ensure that particular Health and Safety regulations are observed; to ensure employees understand this policy and organisation (including their own responsibilities) and comply with the arrangements; to continually review and inspect the premises and equipment to eliminate unsafe conditions; in the event of an incident to take any immediate action necessary to deal with the situation and to consult with staff and implement improvements or changes required to eliminate hazards and remove the causes of accidents, damage and loss. to identify, consult, communicate and monitor 3rd parties, in particular contractors whilst operating on RDAC’s site. Employees Specific duties are: to carry out their work safely in the interest of themselves and other employees; to understand and follow safety procedures, standards and systems of work; to report unsafe conditions and safety concerns so that corrective action can be taken; to impart knowledge and experience on safe working practices to others and to support the Health and Safety Officer and Chief Executive in order to achieve and maintain the highest standards within the fields of Health and Safety. The primary responsibility for personal safety lies with the individual, and the effectiveness of this policy, arraignments and assessment depends on the wholehearted co‑operation of every employee. All individual actions must constantly reflect safety awareness and personnel should always work with the safety of themselves and their fellow employees in mind. Management of Health & Safety Safety Audits & Inspections The implementation of an annual Health and Safety audit will be the responsibility of the Chief Executive and Health and Safety Officer and will consist of an in-depth examination of all the Company activities and  premises. The safety audit will subject each area of the Company’s activities to a systematic critical examination with the object of minimising loss. Every component of the total system will be included e.g. management policy, attitudes, training, features of the premises (the design and layout of areas, rooms etc), emergency plans and procedures, accident records etc. The audit will aim to highlight the weaknesses and strengths, and the main areas of vulnerability or risk. Risk Assessment In accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the Company will carry out risk assessments of all activities that present a risk to employees or others. These risk assessments will be carried out in line with Health & Safety Executive guidance, and the procedure for doing so is as follows: 1. Identify the significant hazards involved in our activity. 2. Decide who might be harmed and how. 3. Evaluate the level of risk and decide if existing precautions are sufficient, or if more needs to be done. 4. Record the significant findings of the assessment. 5. Review the assessment when things change, or there is reason to believe that it is no longer valid. The risk assessments will: Identify what the hazards are and identify the people who might be harmed by the hazard; Disregard insignificant risks; Evaluate the risks from the identified hazards; Ensure all aspects of the work activity are reviewed, including routine and non-routine activities and operations; Take into account any existing control measures; Take account of the way in which the work is organized, and the effects this can have on health; Take account of the risks to the public; Take account of the need to cover fire risks; Identify the period of time which it will be valid for; Enable us to prioritise remedial actions; Risk assessments will be undertaken by the Health and Safety Officer and Representatives at both sites currently used, with assistance from our advisors, B.I.G. Business Services. Dynamic Risk Assessments Dynamic risk assessment is a continuous process of identifying hazards. The risk is assessed and action taken to eliminate or reduce risk. Dynamic risk assessment will be applied in a changing environment. The dynamic assessment will be conducted by the relevant competent person managing the activity. The competent person must halt the operation is believed the risk outweighs the control measures applied. The Managing Directors are responsible to ensure competent people have been trained in dynamic risk assessing/hazard awareness. Safe Systems of Work The Company will provide written safe systems of work for all operations and tasks where there is a significant risk of injury; where there is clearly an identifiable need to specify the safe and correct way of doing the work and where, in spite of all reasonable control measures being implemented, significant risk remains. Employees will be instructed in the safe system of work, as appropriate, and a record of competency kept. Specific Responsibilities The Managing Directors and the Office Manager will identify all such processes and planned activities within the company’s area of responsibility and ensure that suitable written systems are produced, employees trained and records kept. All Employees must observe and understand the system of work at all times; reporting any circumstances which prevents compliance or undermines its effectiveness to their immediate supervisor or line manager. Monitoring Health & Safety Performance In addition to the reactive monitoring of accidents/ill-health, the Company will also carry out proactive monitoring of Health and Safety performance. To check our working conditions, and ensure our safe working practices are being followed, The Managing Directors along with B.I.G Business Services Health and Safety Consultant (where necessary) will conduct routine inspections of the workplace and review the effectiveness of our risk assessment and work practices. Consultation with Employees The Company will consult with its employees in accordance with the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996. Consultation with  employees will be provided direct to individuals as necessary. Health & Safety Advice In accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the Company has access to competent Health & Safety advice. This advice is available from: B.I.G. Business Services Tel: 0845 2626260 Qualifications in Health & Safety include: Chartered Member of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH) Corporate Member of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (MIIRSM) NEBOSH Level 6 Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment Information, Instruction, Training and Supervision The Company will provide adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to employees in accordance with the general duties on employers under Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and associated regulations. All employees including any temporary and casual workers will be provided with information on any risks relevant to their particular activity and work area. All information, instruction and training given to employees, temporary and casual workers will be recorded on individual training records. In certain instances, employees will be asked to sign to confirm receipt or understanding of the training. Training and Instruction Induction training for all new employees, temporary and casual workers is the responsibility of the Chief Executive. Job specific training and instruction will be identified, arranged and monitored by the Chief Executive. The Health and Safety component of induction training will contain the following: Health and Safety Policy Accident reporting / first aid procedures Fire precautions and procedures, including our emergency plan; Introduction to safety legislation – the Employee will be introduced to the legislation that applies to our Company and the workplace, e.g. Electricity and Manual Handling. The supervision of trainees will be arranged, undertaken and monitored by the Chief Executive and Health and Safety Officer. Information The Health and Safety Law information is displayed within both of the premises on dedicated health and safety notice boards. A copy of the Employers Liability Insurance certificate is displayed within the offices on dedicated health and safety notice boards. Supervision & Management Training at all levels is necessary to ensure that responsibilities are known and the organisation’s policy is carried out. Key points to cover in the training of supervisors and managers are: The organisation’s safety policy or programme; Legal framework and duties of the organisation, its management and the workforce; Specific laws and rules applicable to the workplace; Safety inspection techniques and requirements; Causation and consequences of accidents and their reporting, recording and investigation; Basic accident prevention techniques; Disciplinary procedure and application; Control of hazards in the workplace and use of personal protective equipment; Techniques for motivating employees to recognise and respond to organisational goals in Health and Safety. Specialised training Specialised Health and Safety training will be required to cover both legal requirements and others necessary for the safe running of the organisation, for example: First aid, taking into account the nature of the work and the size of the organisation Manual Handling Use of fire-fighting appliances such as extinguishers and fire awareness. Reinforcement or Refresher training Reinforcement or refresher training will be required at appropriate intervals. These requirements will depend on the outcome of observation of the workforce, i.e. during a training needs assessment. Factors to be  taken into account are the complexity of the information to be held by the employee, and the amount of practice required and the opportunity for practice in the normal working requirement. Assessment will also be required of the likely severity of the consequences of behaviour that does not match training objectives. The Managing Directors will ensure the following procedure will be followed: Arrange for the induction training to be given to all staff; Comprehensive and relevant information will be provided to the employee in respect of risks to his / her Health and Safety and on preventative and protective measures; Information will be provided on the Company’s emergency arrangements, including staff nominated to help if there is an evacuation; Ensure that the employee understands all the information provided to them and that they have the opportunity to ask any questions in relation to the training; After a suitable length of time the training should be followed up with the employee to assess its effectiveness and to correct any misunderstandings. Lone Working A lone worker is a person who works where there are no other members of staff present on the same floor at the same time and without close or direct supervision in a wide variety of situations. This could include being off-site or outside a building. Lone workers should not be at more risk than other employees, although such activities may require extra risk control measures. Precautions should take account of normal work and foreseeable emergencies, e.g. fire, equipment failure, illness and accidents. The Health and Safety Officer along with B.I.G Business Services Health and Safety Consultant (where applicable) shall identify situations where people work alone and ensure site specific assessments are completed where required. Lone Workers identified are responsible for: †¢ Taking reasonable care to look after their own Health and Safety; †¢ Co-operating and complying with any control measures designed to eliminate or reduce the risk of lone working. †¢ Safeguarding the Health and Safety of other people affected by their work; †¢ Participating in training designed to meet the requirements of the Health and Safety policies and procedures; †¢Ã‚  Operating authorised equipment in accordance with relevant safety instructions and any training they have been given; †¢ Reporting any dangers or identified areas of risk as soon as practicable to an appropriate manager. This will include any accidents, or incidents that could have given rise to an accident; †¢ Notifying their manager, at the first opportunity, of any change in their ability to undertake their role, including any adverse medical conditions. Employees requiring advice or who have concerns regarding lone working can seek advice from the company’s Health and Safety Officer who will, if necessary, arrange specialist advice and assistance to determine the appropriate course of action to eliminate or control the risk factors Working Time It is the Company policy to eliminate the need for employees to work excessive hours without appropriate breaks. The following will be provided: Employees will be provided an uninterrupted break of 20 minutes every 6 hours worked during the working day. Young Workers, under 18 years of age will be provided an uninterrupted break of 30 minutes every 4.5 hours worked during the working day. Employees will be provided with a rest period of 11 consecutive hours rest in each 24 hour period Young Workers, under 18 years of age will be provided with a rest period of 12 consecutive hours rest in each 24 hour period An Employee will be provided with one day off a week; this can be averaged over 2 weeks Young Workers, under 18 years of age will be provided with 2 day off a week; this cannot be averaged over 2 weeks A record of working hours will be kept and averages of defined 17 week periods will be maintained by the Office Manager. Excessive work is defined in excess of 48 hours. Fitness for Work If an Employee has a medical condition that could affect their fitness for work, that Employee must inform the Chief Executive of the likely impact of the medical condition on their fitness for work. The Employee is not obliged to disclose confidential medical information, however the Company will, where necessary, confer with relevant external experts to confirm whether a Fitness for Work plan is required. Any person taking prescribed medication must seek the advice of their doctor before working, written evidence of their fitness to work whilst taking the drugs may be required and held by  the Chief Executive. Data Protection The Chief Executive will ensure the Company will comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, when recording accidents. Individual record sheets will be removed and stored securely (keeping personal information confidential). Civil Claims The Company will ensure claims for compensation for injury or damage suffered are handled correctly. Claims for compensation must be acknowledged within 21 days. Therefore it is important that any claim (and subsequent correspondence received) is notified to the Chief Executive and acknowledged without delay. Where the claim is verbal, ask the person making the claim to put their comments in writing and forward to the Chief Executive also make a note of any verbal comments and forward in the same manner. Employees are not to engage in conversation regarding the claim and should never admit liability. If necessary, explain that the matter has been referred to the Chief Executive in accordance with procedures Managing Contractors The Company recognises that it owes a duty to contractors as well as employees, as stipulated by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 Section 3 and the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999. The Company will ensure that only competent contractors are selected. All Contractors working on the Company’s behalf are assessed to ensure that they are competent and have suitable and adequate Health and Safety arrangements in place to provide safe working practices and control of all significant hazards that may be introduced by their work. The selection and assessment of the competence of contractors is the responsibility of the Chief Executive and Health and Safety Officer (assistance will be provided if necessary by B.I.G Business Services Health and Safety Consultant. Selected contractors must be able to demonstrate that they are experienced and competent to carry out the required works with regulations and accepted safety standards. Before a contract is awa rded an overview of the status of the tenderer’s Health and Safety management systems must be obtained by reviewing the following documents; A completed contractor selection questionnaire Relevant risk assessments and method statements for the work to be undertaken Supportive evidence of competence The Chief Executive must take into consideration all factors when selecting the contractor for the work. The cost of the works is not be the sole factor in contractor selection. The pre-selection of any contractors will take into account Health and Safety requirements when selecting and approving contractors to work for the Company, ensuring contractors: Work safely, without endangering themselves or any other people; Comply with the Company’s Health and Safety requirements; Only employ competent staff who have been adequately trained; Only employ competent sub-contractors, who are adequately managed; Have adequate resources to manage Health and Safety satisfactorily The Chief Executive may not engage any contractors to provide any services for the Company unless the Health and Safety questions in the contractor selection questionnaire have been answered satisfactorily. No contractor will be appointed if they fail to provide adequate risk assessments and method statements for the proposed work. Once approved, the Chief Executive is responsibility for ensuring contractors working on our premises are briefed on our safety rules and supervised to ensure they work in an approved and safe manner. Any problems/hazards arising from the activities of contractors should be reported to the Chief Executive respectively. The Chief Executive is responsible for the management and co-ordination of all Company contracts involving building works, engineering service, refurbishment and maintenance works. Health and Safety considerations will be included from the start when planning work to be carried out by contractors ensuring responsible for ensuring that Health and Safety issues are adequately addressed. The Chief Executive is responsible for determining the Health and Safety implications of the planned work setting the criteria by which the contractors will be judged which includes the minimum Health and Safety standards that must be met Identifying when the planned work is covered by the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007; Seeking advice and guidance as necessary. Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking The Company will take all reasonable steps to ensure the Health and Safety of employees at work is not put at risk by smoking, alcohol, drug or substance abuse recognizing the affects of health, safety and welfare to the user and potential impact on work colleagues and the business. The Company therefore operates a policy which ensures that employees’ health and performance is not impaired at any time they are on Company premises. The Disciplinary Procedure will be followed in any case where an employee is found to disregard this Policy and/or to be under the influence of or in possession of any alcohol or illegal substance whilst at work or on Company premises. The Company will encourage employees with drug or alcohol abuse or dependency problems to seek help and treatment voluntarily through their own GP. Employees who suspect an employee to be suffering from drug or alcohol problems will refer the individual to the Chief Executive who will assist them in finding advice and treatment. In certain circumstances, disciplinary action may be taken against employees who fail to accept or co-operate with a course of treatment. Violence The Company will take all reasonable steps to ensure the Health and Safety of employees at work is not put at risk by violent, abusive or aggressive behaviour occurring in the work place. The Company recognises that verbal and physical abuse at work can affect the health, safety and welfare of the victim and can have an impact on work colleagues and the business. The Company therefore operates a zero tolerance policy which ensures that people on Company premises are not put at risk of bullying in any form. The Disciplinary Procedure will be followed in any case where an employee is found to be displaying violent or aggressive behaviour towards any person on the Company’s premises. ï‚Ÿ The Chief Executive and Health and Safety Officer will endeavor to provide sufficient information, instruction and training to ensure the Health and Safety of persons on Company premises is not threatened by violent, abusive or aggressive behavior by Company employees. Premises Control of Asbestos Containing Materials In conjunction with the Landlord, the Company will assess and control health  risks from exposure to asbestos in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 to particularly prevent employees from exposure to asbestos and asbestos containing materials (ACMs). To achieve this, the Chief Executive and Landlord are responsible to ensure: That reasonable steps are taken, with the assistance from accredited specialists, to determine the location and condition of materials likely to contain asbestos; A record of the location and condition of the ACMs or presumed ACMs in our offices is made; Assess the risk of the likelihood of anyone being exposed to fibres from these materials; Prepare a plan setting out how the risks from the materials are to be managed; Take the necessary steps to put the plan into action;  Review and monitor the plan periodically; Provide information on the location and condition of the materials to anyone who is liable to work on or disturb them. Should the situation arise, approval for any necessary action to remove asbestos containing materials will be given by the Letting Agent who is to appoint specialist advisors and licensed contractors competent in handling and disposing of such hazardous materials. Plant and Equipment Maintenance The responsibility for identifying all plant and fixed installations and ensuring effective maintenance procedures are drawn up and implemented is that of the Chief Executive. To achieve timely and suitable pre-planned maintenance, repair and refurbishment schedules Chief Executive will appoint competent contractors to assist the Company. Portable Electrical Equipment Portable electrical appliances are tested by an external engineer at selected intervals in accordance with HSE guidance. Notwithstanding this general inspection/test programme, very high usage common use facilities (i.e. kettles, microwave ovens) are inspected/tested every 12 months and replaced as necessary to ensure high standards of provision and electrical safety is maintained for all employees. Fixed Electrical Systems The fixed electrical installations throughout the premises is inspected and tested by a competent NICEIC registered contractor. The Chief Executive will arrange for the electrical systems integrity and safety to be inspected and retested every 5 years via they workforce. Gas Systems The Chief Executive will appoint a competent Gas Safety registered contractor to service and maintain all gas systems throughout the premise. The contract will ensure that all gas systems are serviced annually and gas safety certificates held on file readily available for examination on request. Defects and Problems It is recognised that even with the best pre-planned maintenance programmes, problems and defects with plant and equipment will occur from time to time. Accordingly, any problems with plant or equipment should be reported in the first instance to the Chief Executive or Health and Safety Officer Welfare Facilities The Company is committed to providing suitable and sufficient welfare facilities to employees, in accordance with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Adequate numbers of clean toilets, washing and shower facilities are provided for the number of staff and visitors required to use them. Toilet paper, hot/cold water, soap and means for drying hands will always be available. In addition, drinking water and a means to prepare hot drinks and food is provided in the Kitchen. To ensure that a high standard of cleanliness and good hygiene is maintained, the facilities are cleaned. Notwithstanding this planned cleaning programme, any employee who has concerns with the standard of cleanliness and hygiene should report the matter to their appropriate manager who will investigate and advice accordingly. Access and Egress The Company is committed to providing a safe place of work and a safe means of access and egress within all parts of our workplace, which includes movement in and out of the workplace. Access and egress includes all of the following: Access to and egress from the workplace; Routes through working areas; Accessibility of storage areas; Access to and egress from an individual’s workplace; Emergency exit routes; Any temporary arrangements for access; External pathways and roadways around the workplace; The Chief Executive and Health and Safety Officer with assistance from B.I.G Business Services Health and Safety Consultant (where applicable) will ensure risk assessments are completed to identify that: The workplace shall be organised to ensure pedestrians can circulate in a safe manner; All articles or substances do not impede safe access and egress at the workplace and that objects which may restrict safe movement within the workplace are removed immediately; Any access restrictions are adhered to so that suitable and safe arrangements for work in confined places and other areas of high risk are guaranteed; Objects are not stored in walkways or precariously on top of cabinets / shelves; All work equipment when not in use must be stored in its designated storage area; Waste items shall not be allowed to accumulate in walkways and floor surfaces shall be capable of being kept sufficiently clean and cleaned as appropriate; All access equipment is regularly inspected to ensure that it is maintained in a safe condition; Formalised systems of work are designed and implemented in all areas of significant risk; Employees are encouraged to report any situation where safe access and egress is restricted or obstructed. The workplace floors and traffic route surfaces are suitable for their purpose and maintained in a safe condition and suitably indicated where necessary of reasons of Health and Safety; The working activities of contractors are monitored so that they do not hinder safe access / egress; So far as reasonably practicable we will take suitable and effective measures to prevent persons falling a distance likely to cause personal injury and to prevent any person being struck by a falling object. Activities Manual Handling In accordance with the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, the  Company will eliminate the need for manual handling wherever possible. Where elimination is not possible, the risks from manual handling will be assessed and reduced, so far as is reasonably practicable by job design and the provision of mechanical aids etc. Manual handling risk assessments will be carried out by the Managing Directors with assistance from B.I.G Business Services. Display Screen Equipment (Computer Users) The Company will assess and control health risks from exposure to display screen equipment in accordance with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992. Employees that are classed as habitual Display Screen Equipment users are entitled to free eye tests on request and to vision correction appliances but only where these are needed specifically for work with display screen equipment. Display Screen Equipment workstation assessments will be arranged by the Chief Executive who will also give any necessary approval for corrective action to remove or control risks. Habitual Display Screen Equipment users will be required to complete self-assessment of their workstation. The complete assessment is to be returned to the Health and Safety Officer, who will review and arrange for any necessary corrective actions. Employees who have declared a disability or existing upper limb disorder to the Health and Safety Officer will be individually assessed to ensure all necessar y adjustments are made to their workstation and job tasks to allow them to continue working. Demarcation / Safety Signs The Company recognises the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations minimum requirements for the provision of safety signs at work. The Chief Executive along with the Health and Safety Officer will provide specific safety signs whenever there is a risk that has not been avoided or controlled by other means, for example by engineering controls and Safe Systems of Work (SSoW). Where a safety sign would not help to reduce that risk, or where the risk is not significant, no safety signs will be provided. Hazardous Substances (where necessary) The Company will assess and control health risks from exposure to hazardous substances in accordance with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002. All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that all exposure of employees to substances hazardous to health is prevented or at least controlled to within statutory limits. We will not supply or use those substances prohibited by law. The responsibility for identifying all substances that need a COSHH assessment and for obtaining the Chemical Safety Data Sheets is that of the Chief Executive and Health and Safety Officer. COSHH assessments will be carried out and any actions identified implemented by the Health and Safety Officer with assistance from B.I.G Business Services who will also ensure all relevant employees are advised. The COSHH information will also be made readily available to affected employees for reference. The Company will ensure that the exposure of employees to substances hazardous to health is either prevented or, where this is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled. Where exposure cannot be adequately controlled the Company w ill provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) free of charge. The Chief Executive is responsible to ensure all employees will be provided with comprehensive information and instruction on the nature and likelihood of their exposure to substances hazardous to health. The Company risk assessments will be reviewed regularly and particularly if either there is a significant change in the work or the validity of one of our original assessments. Emergency & Continuity Accidents, First Aid and Work Related Ill-Health The Company is committed to preventing accidents and cases of ill-health to employees and others who may be affected by its work activities. However, the Company recognises that failures can occur and will investigate all accidents and ill-health to identify the immediate and underlying causes so as to prevent recurrence. First Aid Provision The Chief Executive will ensure that adequate first aid trained personnel and equipment is provided, in accordance with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. The Chief Executive and the Health and Safety Officer are responsible for ensuring the location of the first aid kit, accident book and the names of First Aiders are known to all employees. Quarterly checks on provisions are to be made by the First Aider and any shortfalls addressed. Accident Reporting All accidents and incidents are to be recorded in the accident book. The Health and Safety Officer is to ensure that where appropriate the accident or incident is RIDDOR reportable. The Chief Executive is responsible for investigating accidents and incidents of ill-health to prevent a recurrence. Reporting of Accidents/Incidents to the Authorities All reportable incidents, as defined by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) will be reported by the responsible person – Chief Executive or the Health and Safety Officer when necessary to the enforcing authority within the relevant timeframes. The following types of work related incident/accident need to be reported: Death Major Injuries e.g. broken bones, dislocations, amputations, loss of sight etc. Any accident resulting in more than 3 days lost from work Any non-employee (i.e. customers, visitors and contractors) being taken directly to hospital Certain types of disease e.g. dermatitis, asthma, upper limb disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome etc. Certain types of dangerous occurrence, even when no-on is injured e.g. electrical fires, etc. All records of all reportable accidents, dangerous occurrences and reportable diseases will be kept for at least 3 years. Fire and Evacuation The Company has procedures in place to follow in the event of emergency. These are communicated to all employees during induction and are displayed throughout the offices. In simple terms the procedure is as follows: In the event of a fire: Immediately sound the alarm by shouting â€Å"Fire, Fire, Fire† . Only attack the fire if trained to do so – do not put yourself at risk. Dial 999 and ask for the fire brigade – give the building address and location of the fire ensuring it is heard by the operator. Evacuate the building by the nearest exit and proceed to the designated assembly point. Do not stop to collect personal belongings. Do not re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so. The Company has appointed a ‘responsible person’ in all locations who is charged with the responsibility of ensuring the safety of the staff and any person who may legally come onto Company property and of anyone not on the premises but who may be affected. Therefore, in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the Company will ensure that a Fire Risk assessment is conducted and adequate precautions put in place. The Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring that the fire risk assessment is undertaken and completed. To achieve this duty the Chief Executive have appoint specialist consultants (B.I.G Business Services) to assist in the completion of the assessment and also in identifying any recommendations necessary. The day-to-day responsibility for ensuring all fire precautions are in place and in order is that of the Health and Safety Officer in particular: Escape routes are checked d aily to ensure they are free from obstruction. Fire extinguishers are maintained and serviced annually. Environment The Company will take all reasonable steps to minimise as far as practicable the impact of its activities on the environment. The Company recognises its responsibility to the community and has therefore identified the aspects of its operations that may have an effect on the environment. The Company does not consider its business to be of inherent damage to the environment, but it has identified certain areas which need to be controlled to minimise any detrimental environmental effect. The Company will endeavor to control its following activities: ï‚Ÿ Consumption of energy; Use of packaging materials; Emissions; Use of transport; The Company will meet and where appropriate exceed the requirements of all relevant legislation, will seek to reduce the consumption of materials and will recycle waste where possible. In addition, the Company will manage energy and fuel wisely and will minimise visual, noise and other impacts of  its business on the local environment. Waste Disposal It is the policy of this company that where waste is generated during the course of company activities then that waste shall be disposed of in a controlled, safe and proper manner. Where such waste removal requires the application of special control measures to reduce hazards such as contamination, dust or risk of environmental pollution then laid down company procedures will be followed to render such waste removal inoffensive and free of risk so far as reasonably practicable. The Managing Directors will lead the process of implementing this policy and will keep the policy under continual review.

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